How Long Do You Have To Be Separated Before Divorce is Automatic
June 2023
Can you get an automatic divorce if you have been separated from your husband or wife for a set period?
June 2023
Can you get an automatic divorce if you have been separated from your husband or wife for a set period?
June 2023
Who gets the car in a financial settlement following divorce can be a very contentious issue between husband and wife. Whilst to some a car is just a car, to others who gets the car is a significant concern.
June 2023
If you cannot agree on whether your children should live with you or the contact arrangements after your separation or divorce, then you or your ex-partner will need to apply to the court for a child arrangements order.
June 2023
If you are in a new relationship but have not obtained a divorce financial settlement from your former spouse it can be worrying to think that your new partner’s financial circumstances and assets could get dragged into your divorce.
June 2023
Our mediator, Jane-Louise urges separated parents to plan ahead for the school holidays.
June 2023
It is understandable to assume there are financial settlement time limits to bring a financial claim because there are time limits to start civil proceedings. However, technically there are no time limits; you can get married and divorced in your twenties and then (provided you have not remarried in the meantime) start financial settlement proceedings when you are in your sixties.
June 2023
Do you have parental responsibility for your child? Can you stop your ex-partner from getting parental responsibility for your child? What rights does having parental responsibility give you?
June 2023
Worrying about who will get the house in a divorce is a natural concern when you are thinking about separation. We recommend that you speak to a family law solicitor to discuss your circumstances, divorce and what may happen during any financial settlement.
June 2023
When seeking a divorce, it is important to be aware that once the divorce has been finalised, it is still possible for financial claims to be made against you in the future by your former spouse.
Our highly qualified lawyers are members of Resolution, working to their code of practice, encouraging sensitive and cost-effective solutions that consider the needs of the whole family, including the interest of any children.
We have offices in Bedford, Milton Keynes and are currently looking to relocate our office in Northampton. We also have offices in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and London.