Below are listed some of the questions that we are frequently asked.
- Why should I choose Fullers Family Law Practice?
- What do you charge?
- Can I receive monthly bills rather than face a huge bill every three or four months?
- Do Fullers have an Equality and Diversity Policy?
- What is Mediation?
- Is it always necessary to go to court to resolve money and property issues?
- What happens if we can’t agree who should look after the children?
- How do I complain about the service received?
Why should I choose Fullers Family Law Practice?
We are a specialist family Law firm of solicitors. That is all we do. All our personnel work exclusively in the field of family law, some specialising in children, others in money and property.
- We are good at what we do.
- We belong to Resolution, an association of Lawyers who subscribe to a code of practice that tries to resolve family disputes in a non confrontational way and with particular emphasis on the effect on the children.
- Your family matters to you … and to us.
- We will help you manage an often very difficult situation in a sympathetic way with a view to reducing the stress on you and your family.
- We are friendly, open and approachable.
- We promote alternative methods of resolving your dispute via mediation or the collaborative law process.
What do you charge?
We offer a range of flexible fee structures to suit our clients including fixed and capped fees and pay-as-you-go as set out under the flexible fee structure tab. Our hourly rates depend upon the status and experience of the person with responsibility for your work.
Can I receive monthly bills rather than face a huge bill every three or four months?
Yes. You will be given an estimate of the likely cost at the outset and we will update that at regular intervals. We expect all our client’s to pay their bills promptly and you will be billed monthly. You can pay your monthly bill by cheque, bank transfer or credit or debit card.
Do Fullers have an Equality and Diversity Policy?
Fullers promotes equal opportunity of all, both for our personnel and clients respecting and valuing differences to improve delivery of our services. A copy of our Equality and Diversity Policy is available on request.
What is Mediation?
Mediation is not marriage guidance or counselling. Mediation is where a neutral person (often a specially trained lawyer) assists couples who are separating resolve their differences by talking through the different options with them.
Is it always necessary to go to court to resolve money and property issues?
No. Asking the judge to decide how the fruits of your marriage are to be divided should be the last option. We encourage all our clients to try and reach an acceptable compromise without proceedings. This will mean either referring the parties to mediation or negotiations through solicitors.
What happens if we can’t agree who should look after the children?
If there is a dispute over where the children should live or whom they should live with, then the Judge will decide. This should be the last option and before starting proceedings, we would recommend that you attempt to resolve the issue through mediation.
How do I complain about the service received?
We are committed to providing high quality legal advice and client care. If you have any concerns in respect of the way in which your case has been handled or about our bill, we would encourage you, in the first instance, to raise it with the fee earner who has conduct of your case. If you are not satisfied with the fee earner’s response, we would urge you to contact Jane-Louise Burrows, who is responsible for client care, on jane-louise@fullersfamilylaw.com or by telephone or post. Copies of our Complaints Handling Policy and Complaints Handling Procedure are available on request.
If you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint you can ask the Legal Ombudsman at PO Box 6806, Wolverhampton WV1 9WJ; email enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk or telephone 0300 555 0333 to consider the complaint. Time limits apply in that from 1 February 2013, the Legal Ombudsman requires the following to be satisfied before they will accept your complaint; that your complaint is brought to them no later than 6 years from when the act/omission occurred or 3 years from when you should have known about the complaint. However, the changes are being introduced gradually and the Ombudsman will not accept complaints where the date or act of awareness is prior to 6 October 2010. Their website is: www.legalombudsman.org.uk
We comply with the Provision of Service Regulations 2009 by displaying the required details of our Professional Indemnity Insurance in our Reception area.
Solicitors must comply with the Solicitors Code of Conduct 2011. An English version is available at http://sra.org.uk/solicitors/handbook/code/content.page
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01234 343134
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