Financial Settlement Solicitors
When trying to reach a divorce financial settlement with your ex-partner it can be hard to know where to start. Our family law solicitors can help you understand your rights and options so you can secure a divorce financial settlement that meets your needs.
We know that it can be hard to navigate the legal and emotional aspects of splitting finances, especially when you are recently separated or going through divorce proceedings. Our family law solicitors provide friendly specialist legal advice to help you move on with your life.
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Divorce Financial Settlements
When you are trying to reach a divorce financial settlement it is important to understand the range of orders a family court can make and the potential financial orders a judge may make in your financial and personal circumstances. That information should help you negotiate and reach a financial settlement by an agreement. The agreement can then be converted into a binding financial court order.
A financial agreement can be reached through:
- Direct discussions
- Solicitor negotiations including via a roundtable meeting
- Family mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods such as arbitration
At Fullers we are experts in helping our clients achieve settlements through negotiation. However, where agreement cannot be reached, you or your spouse can apply to the court and we can represent you in those proceedings.
Divorce Financial Orders
A family court can make orders over assets and property owned jointly or in your sole name or owned by your husband or wife. In some situations, the court can also make orders against third parties who have been joined to the court proceedings as intervenors, such as a trust, family company, or an individual who has had family assets transferred into their name.
The range of financial orders that a family court can make include:
- Sale of property, such as the family home or family business or an investment portfolio, or a holiday home
- Deferred orders for the sale of the family home – known as mesher or martin orders
- Transfer of property from joint names or the sole name of a husband or wife. Transfers can include property, investments, or shares in a family business
- Lump sum payment
- Spousal maintenance which includes applications for immediate financial support when the case is just starting, as it progresses and long term.
- Children financial orders, such as top-up child maintenance or a school fees order
- Pension sharing orders
- Variation orders – to increase or reduce or stop spousal maintenance payments or to capitalise spousal maintenance
- Orders that one party contributes towards another’s costs
- Clean break orders – to prevent one or both parties from bringing any further financial claims against their former husband or wife. Without a clean break order, there is always a risk that an ex-partner may try to make a financial court application at some point in the future.
Whether you reach an agreement amicably, or after input from a family mediator, it is important to formally record your agreement in a financial court order. Without a court order, you leave yourself exposed to future problems, such as potential further money claims.
If you reach an agreement direct or following mediation, we can let you know whether the terms agreed are fair and reasonable to both parties and obtain the court order on your behalf.
Need some advice out of hours?
Our offices are staffed Monday - Friday, from 9am-5pm. However, if you need to talk to someone between 8am-10pm, 7 days a week, please call any of our office telephone numbers. We will be happy to help.
We understand that finding a solicitor that you feel understands your own specific situation can be a daunting task. So you can book a free callback with us here.
We have also created a series of fixed-price consultation meetings with a full ‘no questions asked’ money-back guarantee promise.
Our approach:
- Informal & empathetic
- Supportive & understanding
- Non-judgemental
- Fair & open-minded
- Results-driven
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