Child Solicitors
When you are separating or divorcing, the priority for you as a parent is to sort out the arrangements for your children. You want to do the best for your children in what can be an emotionally challenging and testing time.
Our specialist children law solicitors and family lawyers are here to help you resolve child arrangements so you and your children can adjust to the new situation with minimum disruption.
Need help with arrangements for your child(ren)?
Unsure what the next steps are?
Book a FREE consultation with us now to find out more.
Child Arrangements
When you first think about a separation or divorce you may not know where to start to try and sort out child arrangements. You may think that your ex-partner is being unreasonable and putting their needs above those of your children. They may be proposing arrangements which seem to be ignoring the practical difficulties or the wishes of your children.
Our expert children law solicitors can advise you on the best way to resolve child arrangements and help you to make decisions with confidence. Your options include:
- Solicitor negotiations
- Roundtable meeting
- Family mediation
- Arbitration
- Court proceedings for a child arrangement order
Our team can help you work out which option is likely to be best for you and your family to reach an agreement on parenting arrangements.
Urgent Child Arrangements Advice
If you are worried about your family situation, we can offer urgent legal advice, so you understand your children law rights and court options. Examples of where you may need quick advice include:
- Your ex-partner is refusing to let you see your children
- You are experiencing domestic violence
- You are worried about child abduction and fear that your ex-partner may take your children overseas
- You are concerned about the safety of your children with your partner.
Our specialist lawyers can help you with all your children law needs.
Initial Discussion
For an initial discussion and a no-obligation quote, get in touch with us today by simply calling us on 01234 343134 or email us at enquiries@fullersfamilylaw.com and a member of our team will get back to you.
Applying for a Child Arrangement Order
Reaching an amicable agreement with the other parent is by far the best solution for the children where this can be done safely, but sadly despite best efforts this is not always possible. If you cannot agree on the parenting arrangements that will work best for your children, you or your ex-partner, could apply to the family court for a child arrangements order. This type of children law order settles residence, access and contact to your children. Our expert lawyers can represent you in those proceedings to help you achieve the best outcome for you and your family.
Child arrangement orders are very flexible and can include:
- Shared parenting orders with children spending an equal amount of time with each parent
- Child arrangements where one parent cares for the children for the majority of the time and the other parent’s contact with the children is set out in the court order. The contact could include overnight, weekend and mid-week contact as well as holiday arrangements.
The court will focus on the needs of your child when deciding what children law order to make. That is why it is important that your child arrangements order application addresses why the orders you are asking the court to make are in the best interests of your children.
Children Law Applications
In addition to sorting out your child arrangements addressing where your children will live and the contact arrangements, our family law solicitors can also help you with:
- Specific issue order proceedings – if you cannot agree on a specific matter such as whether your child should be privately educated or if they should be home-schooled or.be vaccinated
- Prohibited steps order – if you need to stop something from happening to your child (for example to stop them being moved schools if this is going to damage their education)
- Relocation orders – if you want to move overseas with your children or you want to oppose the international relocation of your children
- Holiday orders – if you want to take your children abroad on holiday and your ex-partner will not give their agreement or you object to the planned holiday
- Child abduction orders and prohibited steps orders to stop a child from being taken abroad
- Parental responsibility applications
- Child maintenance and child support advice
- Top up child maintenance
- School fee order applications
- Children financial applications under schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989 – for housing provision for your children or a lump sum to meet a child’s specific need
- Step-parent rights and legal advice
- Grandparent rights and legal advice
Our family law solicitors can help you with all your children law questions and needs. We provide impartial expert legal advice to help you decide how best to resolve child arrangements after your separation or divorce. Our team can negotiate or represent you in court proceedings and will ensure your views on what is best for you and your family are heard.
Need some advice out of hours?
Our offices are staffed Monday - Friday, from 9am-5pm. However, if you need to talk to someone between 8am-10pm, 7 days a week, please call any of our office telephone numbers. We will be happy to help.
We understand that finding a solicitor that you feel understands your own specific situation can be a daunting task. So you can book a free callback with us here.
We have also created a series of fixed-price consultation meetings with a full ‘no questions asked’ money-back guarantee promise.
Our approach:
- Informal & empathetic
- Supportive & understanding
- Non-judgemental
- Fair & open-minded
- Results-driven
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