Domestic Violence Lawyers
If you are experiencing domestic violence or abuse, we understand that you will be upset, and might find it difficult to discuss what is happening to you.
We know that domestic abuse causes the breakdown of many family relationships and has a direct and indirect impact on your life. Indeed, we are experienced in dealing with the complex nature of such abuse. We will deal with you in a sensitive, empathetic, and very supportive manner.
There are laws to protect you and your family from abuse, and we will advise you on the steps that need to be taken to protect you and your family.
We will help you to break free, and make a fresh start in a safe way, and protected from abuse.
Need advice about domestic violence and its impact?
Unsure what the next steps are?
Book a FREE consultation with us now to find out more.
Legal Aid is often available to you, but this is not a service that we offer.
It might be that you have been accused of abuse or domestic violence, and if this is the case, we can discuss with you how to defend the allegations made against you. However, we cannot represent you in criminal proceedings.
So, if you are the victim of domestic violence or abuse, or have been accused of this offence, and need legal advice, we are specialists and we can help you.
Need some advice out of hours?
Our offices are staffed Monday - Friday, from 9am-5pm. However, if you need to talk to someone between 8am-10pm, 7 days a week, please call any of our office telephone numbers. We will be happy to help.
We understand that finding a solicitor that you feel understands your own specific situation can be a daunting task. So you can book a free callback with us here.
We have also created a series of fixed-price consultation meetings with a full ‘no questions asked’ money-back guarantee promise.
Our approach:
- Informal & empathetic
- Supportive & understanding
- Non-judgemental
- Fair & open-minded
- Results-driven
Questions about
Domestic Violence?
If you have a question regarding Domestic Violence, call us...
01234 343134
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