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Testimonials HIDDEN

We provide positive outcomes for a brighter future.
What our clients have to say about Fullers Family Law.

“I needed some advice after the breakdown of my relationship and the financial implications of this. I wasn’t married but owned a house with my ex-partner and I phoned five companies before I contacted Fullers. Fullers answered my call promptly and an appointment for me to speak to a Solicitor was made quickly and efficiently. The Solicitor gave me advice and informed me of things I wasn’t aware of so I was really well prepared for my mediation meeting and felt more informed to move forward. When a person is distraught and going through a really difficult time in their life, they need affirmation and to know the options available to them. Knowing the available options can help put them in a better place. Fullers did this for me and this is why I would highly recommend them as a law firm.”

S463/1, Nov 2020

“I contacted Fullers for some advice as I had some concerns regarding my children going on holiday and spending time overnight with their father. I was concerned their welfare wasn’t paramount to him whilst they were in his care. Fullers were very professional in terms of their procedures. I had an initial telephone call where I was advised that a letter should be sent to my ex-partner. I was then allocated a lawyer for this purpose who had been briefed about my circumstances so the service felt very personal. I was given guidance with regards to the content of the letter but felt ultimately it was my decision as to the content and felt it was always under my control. The lawyer also gave me time to go away and think about what I wanted to say before sending it so I didn’t feel rushed. The letter was sent to my ex-partner and we managed to resolve matters between us. Fullers intervention was instrumental in facilitating this so I was very happy with their service.”

S458/1, Nov 2020

“I contacted Fullers for some advice on a family matter that I needed help resolving. Fullers were approachable and listened to my concerns. They communicated efficiently throughout the whole process, acted in a professional manner, and were effective.”

R218/1, Nov 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I was not coping very well and hadn’t slept for weeks worrying. After I contacted Fullers I was allocated a solicitor who was extremely understanding. As I was concerned about the wellbeing of my children whilst in their father’s care, he took on board my concerns and provided me with options to find the best solution to my matter. I had to put the matter on hold partway through as finances were limited. My solicitor didn’t push me or chase me and only kept me informed where necessary. He seemed to have a human element to him, suggesting things to benefit me and not just benefit the case. With the support of my friends and my solicitor at Fullers, I have managed to emerge from the situation feeling grateful for all the support they provided me.”

R192/1, Nov 2020

“I needed some help and advice completing forms regarding my divorce proceedings as the legal terminology was hard to understand and I was unsure as to what I was signing. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers via Zoom who helped translate the wording of the documentation into layman’s terms. He was very engaging and knowledgeable and provided me with in-depth advice. I came away from the meeting feeling reassured and more knowledgeable about the divorce process.”

M439/1, Nov 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in divorce proceedings. They offered a fixed fee divorce rate which was better for me as there were no hidden costs and I could budget which gave me peace of mind. Now my divorce is finalised, I am at peace and feel relieved.”

J129/2, Nov 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial matters. The lawyer I was allocated was very informative and listened to what I had to say. I negotiated with my husband myself and my lawyer supported me with advice. She was quick to respond to any queries and was always professional and polite. With her help, I managed to obtain a satisfactory outcome.”

Google Rating  | F149/2, Nov 2020

“Fullers were recommended to me by a friend but I had also noticed from their website that they had the best reviews. I was offered an initial consultation which was fairly informal and therefore put me at ease. I was given confidence that the firm would work in my best interests to get the matter resolved so I could move on with my life. My matter was fairly straightforward as my husband and I had come to an agreement with regard to the distribution of finances, so it was just a case of formalising this agreement. However, there were a few queries which my solicitor answered quickly and efficiently. She was also calm and reassuring throughout. I have since recommended Fullers to a couple of friends who also required legal assistance.”

Google Rating  | W311/1, Nov 2020

“I needed legal advice regarding a divorce and documentation relating to the family home. I contacted Fullers and they arranged for me to have a meeting with one of their solicitors. I found the initial telephone consultation extremely helpful as I was able to outline my situation and they then allocated me a senior solicitor who was able to provide me with expert advice. I felt this was good value for money and they took my requests seriously. They helped me navigate the documentation and advised me how best to proceed. The meeting was very thorough and I have been making good use of this advice for the last three months!”

P260/1, Nov 2020

“Fullers represented me in a matter relating to my children. I was very impressed with their service, particularly on one occasion when I was able to speak to them at the weekend and felt the service went above and beyond my expectations. I felt they were committed to my case and the solicitors dealing with my matter provided excellent advice. They were very professional but more importantly supported me emotionally through the whole process.”

P164/2, Nov 2020

“After separating from my partner, I needed some support and advice with regard to our children as my ex-partner was controlling where they were to live and upsetting the status quo. I instructed Fullers Family Law to write a letter to my ex-partner setting out my proposals for contact. They gave me very good advice and made suggestions as to the content of the letter. They also gave me advice on what I could do in different situations and the way forward if the letter didn’t solve the problem. I found them to be very helpful and the solicitor I spoke to was very knowledgeable and friendly. I would have confidence in them to manage my case if I were to take matters to Court.”

M440/1, Nov 2020

“Fullers provided advice during a very upsetting time for me as my ex-partner was denying me access to my children and I needed some support. I had a meeting with a solicitor via Zoom and she was very informative and friendly. She advised me of the law and that I had a right to see my children. As a result of the meeting, I felt more informed and equipped to be able to represent myself at Court. I am now seeing my children again and matters have settled so I am pleased with the outcome.”

M433/1, Nov 2020

“After separating from my husband I wanted to protect my interest in the family home as it was in my husband’s sole name. I contact Fullers and had a free consultation with them for advice on what I could do. I found them to be very reassuring and felt I was in good hands. I instructed them to represent me in my matter and they wrote to the Land Registry for a charge on the property so it couldn’t be sold without my consent. It was a straightforward matter and a simple instruction, so it was dealt with quickly and efficiently without them overcomplicating matters.”

M430/1, Nov 2020

“After separating from my son’s mother I needed some advice from solicitors. I was concerned about the deterioration of my son’s behaviour and the contact arrangements for him to see me were constantly being changed. Feeling helpless and not knowing what to do, I contacted Fullers to find out about having him reside with me. Once interventions and measures were in place, matters became more settled for my son and I was happier for him to remain living with his mother. Fullers made the whole process painless and the Judge ordered that I have regular contact with my son, so I was satisfied with the outcome.”

Google Rating  | W188/2, Oct 2020

“I needed some advice from a solicitor regarding the financial implications surrounding a relationship breakup as we are not married but have been together for 14 years. I had a meeting with a solicitor who advised me of my legal rights. I found Fullers to be professional, friendly, and helpful. They provided me with some direction as to how to pursue the matter if it were contested.”

D223/1, Oct 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law for their advice regarding a Deed of Separation drawn up by my husband’s solicitor following the breakdown of our marriage. They advised me of the terms of the agreement, my legal rights, and if what I was signing was fair. Although they made suggestions for amendments in my favour and encouraged me to re-think certain aspects of the agreement, they didn’t push the matter and allowed me to make my own decision. I found Fullers to be honest and professional and I was happy with their service.”

D210/2, Oct 2020

“Following the breakdown of my marriage, I instructed Fullers to deal with my divorce and the proceeds of the sale of the family home as there was a dispute as to how these should be split. Unsure and doubtful as to the outcome, Fullers made me feel confident that I could protect my share of the net proceeds of sale and that they could get the desired outcome for me. Eventually, after negotiations from my solicitor, a satisfactory agreement was drawn up which I was happy with. Fullers service was professional and they kept me sane through a very stressful time.”

L190/2, Oct 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. I felt that from the start I was listened to and could get everything that I wanted to say across in my own time. Nothing was ever too much trouble if I needed to query anything. I felt my solicitor looked after me well through a very stressful time as they allowed me to sound off and helped me emotionally through the process. I had a good rapport with my solicitor and felt she was the right person to look after my case as she made me feel at ease.”

Google Rating  | R180/1, Oct 2020

“I contacted Fullers during the breakdown of my relationship as I was quite anxious that the relationship with my daughter continues following a separation. I also needed clarification on the status of our relationship as I was hoping differences between us could be resolved and ultimately would have preferred a reconciliation. Fullers wrote an amiable letter to my ex-partner which was sensitively worded and non-confrontational which really helped matters and clarified worries between us. I thought the service Fullers provided was very personal. I felt they cared and I wasn’t just another client.”

C427/1, Oct 2020

“Fullers dealt with my divorce and financial matters. At the beginning, it was quite daunting filing for a divorce and I felt quite tense. However, my solicitor put me at ease and everything was straightforward. I am happy my matter is now settled and I am financially comfortable so I can move on with my life.”

C374/1, Oct 2020

“After the breakup of my marriage, I contacted Fullers to represent me in my divorce and financial proceedings. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter responded to any queries I had and managed my expectations well. After many negotiations with my ex-husband’s solicitor, an agreement was made and the matter was settled out of Court. I felt like Fullers were in control of the situation and I was happy with the outcome.”

B502/1 & 2, Oct 2020

“I contacted Fullers after the breakdown of my marriage as there were financial implications that needed to be dealt with and I was denied contact with my children which was upsetting. The initial conversation I had with Fullers gave me confidence in their ability to manage my case. The solicitors who dealt with my matter understood where I was coming from and there was no judgement from them. I am used to dealing with volatile situations but when it involved my own family emotions ran high, particularly as there were unfounded allegations against me. It was difficult not to become frustrated and upset but Fullers held me together and steered me in the right direction. As a result of their excellent representation, contact with my children has been reinstated and the financial outcome was settled and fair.”

Google Rating  | B470/3, Oct 2020

“I was concerned with issues surrounding contact for my son with his father, so I contacted Fullers for their advice. My concerns were taken on board and they listened to everything I had to say. They gave me multiple options on how to proceed and the possible outcomes of those options. I decided for them to send a letter to my ex-partner with proposals for contact. They outlined everything I wanted to say and also made amendments I suggested instantly and to my satisfaction. The letter has definitely helped the situation and matters are much better than before I instructed Fullers.”

T211/1, Oct 2020

“I contacted Fullers to represent me in my divorce and financial proceedings. The advice I was given from the outset was very clear, so I knew what I was working with. There was no miscommunication or doubts as to how the process worked so I felt very confident in Fullers dealing with my case. I was very happy with the outcome as the order made has enabled me to be financially independent.”

N90/1 & 2, Oct 2020

“I needed some advice as Fullers had represented me for a Child Arrangements Order made in 2017 which had been breached by my ex-partner. Before taking steps to go back to Court regarding the breach, I contacted Fullers for their advice. I had a meeting with the solicitor who represented me in obtaining the original Order and she reassured me that I was following the correct procedure. This gave me the confidence to represent myself at Court to ensure my ex-partner complies with the terms of the Order. I find Fullers very professional and easy to deal with.”

Google Rating  | B368/2, Oct 2020

“I was extremely concerned that my children would be moved from the area after I separated from their mother and I needed to protect their current living arrangements. I contacted Fullers for their advice and the solicitor who represented me was excellent. She listened intently to my concerns and put forward proposals to my ex-partner keeping the matter as amicable as possible. The Judge made an order based on my solicitor’s proposals that the children remain living with me with regular contact with their mother, so I was extremely relieved and happy with the outcome.”

A213/1, Oct 2020

“My son was not returned to my care after contact with his father. Concerned for his wellbeing, I contacted Fullers for legal representation. The solicitor who represented me was very empathetic, professional and acted swiftly by making an emergency application to the Court. The Judge ordered an immediate return of my son to me and the matter was resolved very quickly. Although I have yet another court hearing to attend and the matter is ongoing, I have peace of mind for the time being.”

S460/1, Sep 2020

“Fullers represented me in the financial proceedings relating to my divorce. The situation was stressful but the solicitor I was allocated was excellent. She was always quick to reply to my emails and knew exactly what was going on with my case without being prompted. I felt I was in good hands which took the weight from my shoulders. Fullers handled my case exceptionally well and I received the outcome I wanted.”

L213/2, Sep 2020

“Shortly after coming to this country, my husband issued divorced proceedings and made unfounded allegations against me. I felt very upset and alone so I contacted Fullers Family Law. The solicitor who represented me took the stress from me. She advised me of the procedures and always made sure I understood what was happening. When I called her I never had to wait very long for her to get back to me, so I never felt in the dark. I am very satisfied with the way Fullers handled my divorce and feel relieved everything is finalised.”

S439/1, Sep 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I needed some initial advice regarding the financial implications of divorce proceedings. I had a meeting with a solicitor which I found very informative providing me with useful information regarding the process and possible avenues to do down. The meeting enabled me to consider my options better informed of the legal process.”

P254/1, Sep 2020

“I needed legal advice regarding my family matter so I contacted Fullers as they specialised in family law. I found them to be supportive towards my situation and very responsive. They provided me with clear information and guidance and I have since recommended them to other people seeking legal representation.”

S365/2, Sep 2020

“I was in a really bad place in my life when I contacted Fullers as my son had been to his father’s for contact and wasn’t returned. I was distraught. As the matter was so time sensitive both solicitors who handled my case acted quickly. They assured me that that everything would be okay and they didn’t give me false hope. I felt reassured as were so confident in their ability to get my son back and they were very professional in Court when representing me. I was overjoyed when the Judge ordered my son to be returned to my care immediately.”

Google Rating  | S364/2, Sep 2020

“My ex-partner was making it difficult for me to see my son in my own home and I found this to be very restrictive and frustrating. I didn’t know my parental rights and felt very alone in this respect. Fullers were recommended to me by a friend who had used their services previously so I looked on their website and the reviews were very positive. The solicitor I was allocated dealt with my case incredibly well and I found her to be exceptional on a personal level as I felt she listened to me and was not just after my money. The matter was resolved before going to Court and, although the outcome was not a direct result of Fullers intervention, I was more informed as to where I stood legally and felt more confident as to my parental rights as a father.”

M424/1, Sep 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law as I needed legal representation to prevent my daughter being taken out of the country. I had an initial consultation before instructing which I found to be helpful as the solicitor analysed my situation and advised me on what course of action needed to be taken. Unfortunately, by the time I had made an application my daughter had already been taken out of the country. However, the solicitor who had conduct of my matter had acted swiftly. She was clear and concise and advised me on the problems we may encounter and how those could be dealt with. She represented me in Court and the Judge ordered that my daughter be returned. I am very happy with the outcome as I now have parental responsibility of my daughter and have regular contact with her.”

L201/1, Sep 2020

“After separating from my ex-partner, I was issued with a Non-Molestation Order from her. This was extremely upsetting as I strongly opposed the allegations made against me. I instructed Fullers to take my case on for me which made things a lot easier. I was able to put across my side and experience of the events rather than complete the paperwork myself which alleviated the pressure. As my ex-partner had to sign an undertaking, I felt that I was protected from further allegations being made against me so I was very pleased I had instructed Fullers.”

E97/2, Sep 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I was concerned about my daughter’s wellbeing whilst in the care of her father. He was also being aggressive towards me and making threats to take our daughter from me. Fullers advised me on all the options I could take and were very supportive. In the first instance, they wrote a letter to my daughter’s father expressing my concerns regarding his contact with her and his behaviour towards me. Since then matters have calmed down and the threatening behaviour has ceased. I am no longer stressed and am hopeful that my daughter can now maintain a relationship with her father without me having to go to court. I was very impressed with Fullers and would have no hesitation in them representing me again if need be.”

C416/1, Sep 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I needed help getting my children returned to me from their father’s care. My children went to stay with him temporarily whilst I was ill for a time in hospital. After my return from hospital, my ex-husband refused to return them saying I was unfit to look after them. I contracted Fullers and was allocated a fantastic solicitor! She was very patient and supportive and kept me up to date with developments of my case. The communication was brilliant. The matter went to Court and my children have now been returned to me with regular contact to their father. I want to thank Fullers for their representation.”

F146/3, Sep 2020

“Feeling distraught and vulnerable, I contacted Fullers Family Law for help as my ex-partner did not return our daughter from contact after making false and unfounded allegations against me. Fullers were extremely on the ball and very pro-active. They explained the procedures to me and answered any questions I had, whilst being very sympathetic and understanding so I felt confident they would act in my best interests. My case went to Court and my daughter was returned to me. I felt relieved and happy and would like to thank Fullers for their expertise in my family matter.”

Google Rating  | S462/1, Sep 2020

“I contacted Fullers to help draw up a Consent Order to deal with the financial assets post-divorce. I had an informative chat with the Solicitor who had conduct of my matter where she advised me what I was entitled to legally. She also helped me to weigh up the options and how they would affect me both emotionally and financially if I were to pursue them. She advised me against going down the most stressful avenues and I really appreciated that. What could have been a long, stressful, drawn out case with very little to gain became a short and sweet financial agreement without the stress.”

Google Rating  | E98/2, Aug 2020

“I contacted Fullers for advice regarding the financial implications of my divorce. I was offered a meeting with a solicitor to obtain some advice; however, the appointment was booked prior to me obtaining the financial information I required for the meeting to be productive. Once I had all the financial information to hand, I booked another meeting where the Solicitor went through the Consent Order with me. She took on board my concerns and really listened to me. She made some recommendations and raised things I hadn’t even thought about. She also put me in touch with an excellent financial team. I found the meeting invaluable and it more than compensated for the first meeting as extra work was carried out with no charge.”

G180/1, Aug 2020

“I contacted Fullers to attempt to set up mediation between myself and my wife to try and resolve the financial aspects of our divorce. Fullers contacted my wife to invite her for mediation with a view to facilitating this service. Unfortunately, this was not forthcoming so Fullers set up a Mediation Information Assessment meeting to enable me to obtain a Certificate. This allowed me to apply to Court instead to resolve the financial matters. The meeting was scheduled in good time and my Certificate was sent through promptly to enable me to set the ball in motion.”

Google Rating  | F171/1, Aug 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce proceedings. The separation was amicable; however, I needed solicitors to complete the paperwork and apply for the divorce on my behalf. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter was sympathetic and understanding. He explained the process in clear simple terms and acted efficiently to ensure the process was straightforward and seamless. I would have no hesitation in recommending Fullers services.”

F153/1, Aug 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I had received some paperwork from my ex-wife’s solicitor asking to sign the house over to her name. I contacted Fullers as I needed some advice before signing the document and had a meeting with one of their solicitors. He talked me through the document and advised me of the implications which I found to be very reassuring. Fullers then witnessed my signature to complete the formalities.”

W329/1, Aug 2020

“Fullers dealt with my divorce and financial matters. They listened to what I had to say, advised me and acted upon it. They are a niche specialist firm, very knowledgeable and get the best realistic outcome for any potential client.”

Google Rating  | M363/2, Aug 2020

“As Fullers represented me in my divorce proceedings and I was very happy with their service, I instructed them to represent me in the financial matters. Although my husband and I had come to an agreement as to how we wanted to split the assets, Fullers gave me pointers to consider, ensuring I was happy with the agreement before it became binding. The communication was very good, always keeping me up to date and I never had to chase them. They also guided me through what information was required to make things easier and less stressful for me. I couldn’t fault the service and felt very supported.”

I33/2, Aug 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage I needed some advice with regard to the separation process. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers who was very personable and easy to talk to. She explained the positives and negatives of a judicial separation rather than a divorce and examples of possible scenarios. This enabled me to understand fully the reasons why one would have judicial separation rather than a divorce so I could determine the correct decision for me.”

Google Rating  | M432/1, Jul 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial settlement. This wasn’t a straightforward matter and my husband was quite slow at providing the details needed so it was quite frustrating for me. However, Fullers managed him well and got things moving. There was a lot of contact from my solicitor and I was kept up to date frequently. The matter was concluded satisfactorily with a financial arrangement being agreed between us.”

A191/1, Jul 2020

“I needed a solicitor to represent me in divorce proceedings but as I was new to this country, I had no idea how to go about this and the procedures. I contacted Fullers and the staff were very supportive. My lawyer was polite and explained everything to me. She made me feel confident that everything would be fine. She gave me the chance to speak and listened to me. My divorce is now finalised and I was very happy with the service and would recommend Fullers as a family law firm.”

S439/1, Jul 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, Fullers were recommended to me by a family friend who is a solicitor. They had good reviews and were very experienced in divorce where finances and children were involved. As I had never been in this situation before, it was quite stressful as I did not know what to expect. I found Fullers to be very communicative and they were always happy to explain the documents to me in layman’s terms as the legal terminology was sometimes hard to understand. I felt very supported and never felt undermined when I asked questions as they were always happy to go through the paperwork with me. I was very happy with the outcome as the Order agreed has enabled myself and my children to be financially secure.”

Google Rating  | N888/2, Jul 2020

“I contacted Fullers after the breakdown of my relationship as there was a property and children involved and I needed advice on my legal rights with regard to my family matter. Fullers were very professional in handling my particular circumstances and provided good and timely support. Although they never represented me in Court, they enabled me to understand the legal process so I could manage this myself.”

T184/1, Jul 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. Although it was quite a stressful situation at the beginning, Fullers helped myself and my ex-husband to come to an amicable agreement with regard to the finances. There was never any delay with my solicitor getting back to me and if I had an urgent issue it was addressed immediately. Everything went smoothly and they were there when I needed them. I was very impressed with their service.”

C380/1 & 2, Jul 2020

“After receiving a letter from the Child Maintenance Service alleging that I was in arrears with my maintenance payments, I contacted Fullers for their help. I had always kept my payments up to date and needed some legal help with regard to disputing the arrears. The solicitor I was allocated was very pro-active and efficient and wrote a letter to the CMS setting out what I had paid and the small amount outstanding to bring the payments up to date. The letter received a good response and I was very happy with their service.”

M333/2, Jul 2020

“Following the breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers Family Law to assist me with the financial implications of a separation and to gain access to my son. I found them to be very knowledgeable and understanding. They dealt with all my queries and correspondence in a timely fashion and, although the matter is ongoing, I am in the process of mediation. Fullers have helped with this by setting out my position, enabling me to mediate effectively and providing me with guidance and direction as to the outcome I would like to achieve.”

Google Rating  | J128/1, Jul 2020

“We contacted Fullers Family Law as we wanted to gain parental responsibility for our granddaughter who was living with us. The solicitor who had conduct of our matter was friendly and professional and she gave us confidence that everything would be dealt with smoothly and efficiently. The matter wasn’t contested, and the Court granted us parental responsibility of our granddaughter. We now have peace of mind as we can be involved in decisions relating to her care and upbringing.”

L160/2, Jul 2020

“I had been separated from my husband for 7 years and needed a solicitor to help me with the divorce process as I was unfamiliar with the formalities of the paperwork. I instructed Fullers for this purpose and I was very happy with the lawyer who dealt with my divorce for me. She was very attentive and despite there being delays by my ex-husband, which was frustrating, my lawyer dealt with things quickly and efficiently to enable the divorce to go through.”

H326/1, Jun 2020

“I needed a solicitor to help me gain contact with my daughter as my ex-partner had stopped me from seeing her. I contacted Fullers and was offered an initial chat with a solicitor. After speaking to them, I felt reassured and confident that I would be in good hands if they took my case on. They wrote a letter to my ex-partner with some proposals and offered me alternative avenues to explore to progress the matter. Fullers also kept me updated as to the financial cost of the matter to enable me to budget. Unfortunately, due to the Covid 19 and concerns as to whether I would have work, I put the matter on hold in the event I was unable to finance the matter but was impressed with their services up to that point.”

C421/1, Jun 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings but more recently I had to contact them again following emails from my ex-wife which were upsetting and threatening in nature. Fullers were very sympathetic and pro-active. They wrote a detailed letter to my ex-wife advising her to refrain from contact. Since then matters have settled down and I won’t hesitate to use their services again if needed.”

D169/6, Jun 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. The lawyers who represented me were very knowledgeable, they provided me with regular updates and answered any queries I had. They were always happy to help and very present within the proceedings which was very reassuring in times when I didn’t know what to do for the best. They guided me through the whole process and I would definitely recommend them to anyone needing a family lawyer.”

I33/1, Jun 2020

“During the process of my divorce, I was sent a draft financial agreement from my husband’s solicitors for signature. I did not want to sign something that I didn’t understand so I instructed Fullers for this purpose. The solicitor interpreted the legal terminology to me and it became apparent that it wasn’t what I had agreed. Fullers made the proposed amendments which were agreed by my husband’s solicitors and the Consent Order was signed by all parties and sealed by the Court. I now have peace of mind and can move forward with my life.”

S426/1, Jun 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce financial proceedings. There was a dispute over the family home and I was concerned this would need to be sold but I wanted to try and retain it for myself and the children as their home. Fullers were very friendly and empathetic, they listened to my concerns and were always available to speak to. The Judge ordered that I could retain the family home thanks to Fullers' help.”

Google Rating  | W284/2, Jun 2020

“Fullers were recommended to me by a previous client so I asked them to represent me in my divorce proceedings. After my initial telephone call with the firm, I was confident that I would be in good hands and they would deal with my divorce efficiently. I was kept up to date with the procedures and developments and the documents prepared for me were accurate and professionally drawn up. My solicitor was pro-active and chased the court and my wife’s solicitor to expedite matters. I cannot fault their service and would highly recommend them to anyone needing a family lawyer.”

S386/1, Jun 2020

“Following the breakdown of my relationship, I instructed Fullers to represent me in formalising my interest from a property I owned with my ex-partner. They were pro-active from the get-go and keen to make me feel at ease. They helped me understand the legalities of the matter by simplifying the terminology and the matter was resolved quickly despite these unprecedented times. I received my interest in the property and was happy with the outcome.”

B534/1, Jun 2020

“Fullers Family Law represented me in an ongoing cohabitation dispute after the breakdown of my relationship. I needed to be released from the mortgage of our former family home in accordance with an order. I was finding this difficult to do so I contacted Fullers Family Law for their help. The solicitor I was allocated was extremely professional. She provided clear and concise advice by interpreting the order and clearing up any ambiguities that arose. She also wrote to my ex-partner’s solicitor to advise them of the same and the matter has now been resolved. I would not hesitate to instruct Fullers again if the need arose.”

R127/2, Jun 2020

“Having been separated from my wife for 5 years, I was unsure how to move forward with matters. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers who explained the divorce and financial proceedings process to me. I found the meeting gave me confidence to take the next step and formalised matters.”

C414/1, Jun 2020

“As a result of the Covid-19 situation, my ex-partner had concerns about me having contact with my children. I contacted Fullers Family Law for their advice. Despite the country being in the height of lockdown, their service was outstanding. I was allocated a solicitor in good time and the matter was dealt with swiftly. She wrote a letter to my ex-partner reassuring her that I was following the guidelines and my children’s safety would not be compromised so the matter was resolved amicably and promptly. Very good value for a good all round service.”

T200/1, Jun 2020

“I contacted Fullers following unfounded allegations being made against me by me ex-partner which resulted in me having to leave my home and contact with my son being questioned before the court. I had two solicitors deal with my matters and they were both excellent. They were pro-active and efficient and advocated my case extremely well before and during the court proceedings. I was overjoyed with the outcome as I was able to return to my home and an Order was made that my son could have regular overnight contact with me. I am relieved the matter has been finalised and feel justice has been done.”

Google Rating  | S425/2, Jun 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law over concerns for my sister's wellbeing and to represent me in obtaining a residence order for my sister to live with me. The solicitor who was allocated to my matter was excellent. She responded quickly to my telephone calls and emails and answered any questions I had regarding the paperwork. Although I did not receive residence of my sister, I was granted regular contact with her. I would recommend Fullers services for anyone needing a family lawyer.”

S396/2, Jun 2020

“I contacted Fullers as they were advertised as being the best family lawyers in my area and I needed advice regarding contact with my children. My ex-partner kept changing the contact arrangements and sometimes the children were not available for me to see which was frustrating and upsetting. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers who advised me on the law and informed me of the steps I could take to try and obtain an Order from the court for regular contact with my children. Since my meeting things seem to have improved. I would have no hesitation in instructing Fullers to represent me if I needed to take matters further as they were knowledgeable and efficient.”

H378/1, Jun 2020

“Fullers Family Law represented me in matters relating to my children. Although I had received a court order granting me overnight contact with my children, this was being frustrated for several reasons which needed clarifying and addressed. The solicitor handling my case kept calm throughout the process, dissipating matters before they became too heated which in turn helped me feel less stressed and more positive about the outcome of my case. Fullers wrote to my ex partner’s solicitors and an agreement was made before the matter went back to court. My solicitor was very professional and competent and as a result, contact to my children was agreed according to the order.”

G173/2, May 2020

“I needed a solicitor to formalise a financial agreement between myself and my husband following our divorce. I chose Fullers based on my initial telephone call with them as I found them to be very helpful and friendly. They were very accommodating as I was on a low income so they recommended one of their junior lawyers conduct my case for me to keep costs to a minimum. Most of my matter could be dealt with by emails and telephone calls which was convenient for me as I didn’t have to keep attending the office and this fitted around my busy schedule. As English is my second language, the lawyer was very patient and interpreted all the legal terminology for me to ensure I understood what I was agreeing to. I am grateful to Fullers for their understanding and help in my matter and am relieved it has been finalised to my satisfaction.”

Google Rating  | P233/1, May 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter made what could have been a potentially difficult situation a lot easier. She put some options on the table and negotiated an agreement which was in the best interests of all parties. I would recommend Fullers as a family law firm as the communication was good and, although their services were quite pricey, I got what I paid for.”

H370/1, May 2020

“I contacted Fullers for some advice following the separation from my ex-partner. I needed advice regarding receiving interest from the property to enable me to purchase a home for myself. I was was able to speak to a solicitor quite quickly and the advice provided was relevant and concise. The solicitor followed up with an email clarifying his advice to ensure that everything was understood by me. When lockdown is over I will have no hesitation to contact Fullers to pursue this matter for me as I am very confident in their ability to provide a good service for me.”

I34/1, May 2020

“I was recommended Fullers from a solicitor friend as I needed help to commence divorce proceedings. I also wanted to determine my interest in the family home as my wish was to have the property transferred to myself. I was very happy with the outcome as the divorce was finalised and the property was transferred to my name so I was able to retain my home. Fullers were fast and efficient and got the job done!”

F147/1, May 2020

“I needed some legal advice regarding a proposed financial settlement from my husband following the breakdown of our marriage. I was in the dark as I didn’t know if what he was offering me was fair or not. I had a couple of meetings with a solicitor at Fullers who advised me on the likely outcome as to the how the finances would be split. Based on this information I was able to negotiate an agreement and follow through the divorce and finances amicably with my husband. I was very impressed with the solicitor at Fullers as she went above and beyond to help me, even witnessing the Land Registry document for the transfer of the property. This service gave me peace of mind that I was receiving the best outcome for me.”

Google Rating  | E95/1, May 2020

“I contacted Fullers following the breakdown of my relationship and the implications this would have on the property I owned due to us cohabiting for a long period of time. I found the service very personal and I didn’t have to wait too long for an appointment. I was initially offered a telephone consultation and then was allocated a solicitor. The solicitor understood my concerns and provided me with very balanced and honest advice. Matters were eventually resolved and I no longer needed to pursue the matter but was very happy with the service Fullers provided me.”

D205/1, May 2020

“After the unfortunate breakdown of my marriage, I searched the internet for family lawyers. I chose to instruct Fullers as they specialised in family law and there were financial implications to my divorce. The lawyer representing me in my divorce proceedings kept me in the loop throughout the entire proceedings and was efficient and professional. I am very happy with their service and I continue to instruct them with regard to my financial matter.”

S421/1, Apr 2020

“I instructed Fullers to represent me in my divorce proceedings after I had learnt of my husband’s infidelity. After a reasonably long marriage with two children I was feeling let down. It took me a while to come to terms with the breakdown of my marriage and hence the proceedings took longer than necessary due to me delaying matters. Fullers were very patient and kept me informed of the next steps. Eventually I obtained a divorce and I can now re-build my life with my children.”

C271/1, Apr 2020

“I contacted Fullers as my ex husband was denying me contact with my daughter. I found this very distressing and needed intervention from a legal firm. Fullers explained the law to me and wrote a letter to my ex husband. They were very friendly and professional. The letter did help with initiating communication between myself and my ex husband so I was very happy with their service. I wouldn’t hesitate to use them again if the need arose.”

B529/1, Apr 2020

“I contacted Fullers following the breakdown of my marriage. I was happy with their service despite trying circumstances regarding the Covid 19 outbreak and the need for the appointment to be re-scheduled. The solicitor I spoke to answered all of my questions and the communication was good.”

B527/1, Apr 2020

“I have chosen Fullers Family Law for my case based on the reviews I read and now I can leave one for others who might be needing advice. I am going through the divorce and did need some advice on child custody/welfare. I am so glad I chose this firm. I was given an appointment at my best convenience in Northampton. On arrival I was seen right away, kindly explained what needs to be done before my session starts and offered a beverage. The session started on time and somehow I felt very comfortable to explain my situation in detail. Some of what we discussed I sort of knew already but it is great to be reassured by solicitor. More importantly there were options, responsibilities and risks I did not know about. I got a new way of looking at my case and that helped me a lot in decision making on how to go forward with my case. My appointment was for one hour but it did not end until all my questions were answered so I had a clear view of what am I doing. Should I ever need a solicitor advice again I would not hesitate to get in touch with Fullers Family Law in Northampton.”

Google Rating  | B522/1, Apr 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law to write a letter to my ex partner’s solicitors after being subjected to threats and harassment from her and feeling intimidated and cautious when leaving my home. I want to thank Fullers for their help, guidance and professionalism in this matter and since their letter was sent, matters have calmed down. I won’t hesitate to contact them again should I require their assistance.”

R210/1, Apr 2020

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. Throughout the process I felt supported and listened to in a sympathetic manner and they did everything possible to try and engage the other party despite negotiations being frustrated. They were very knowledgeable and understood the scenarios and complexities of the matter and the proposals they put forward were in the best interests of not only myself but my children too. Now the matter has concluded I am grateful that I am able to secure my own house and be financially independent which will enable myself and my children to start to re-build our lives.”

P193/1, Apr 2020

“I contacted Fullers after the breakdown of my marriage to obtain some legal advice, in particular with regard to the financial implications. I had a free telephone consultation initially which I found really useful and the solicitor I spoke to gave me a helpful indication of the possible outcomes I could expect. The solicitor who had conduct of my case was excellent. She managed my expectations throughout and was able to deal with a very aggressive and confrontational opposition. I was able to give my input into the correspondence so felt I had control over my matter but also took my solicitor’s advice and her lead. I was happy that Fullers were my solicitors as they conducted themselves in a non-aggressive and non-confrontational manner and tried to keep matters amicable which was more productive. As a result, I felt the outcome I received was fair and just. I would recommend Fullers as everyone I spoke to and dealt with, from their support staff to the solicitors, were professional and caring.”

R 159/1, Apr 2020

“I was left in shock after my husband had deserted me and I had no idea where he had gone. I had no experience of dealing with solicitors before and had no idea what to expect so I felt like I was left in the dark. Fullers Family Law had very good reviews for dealing with family matters so I contacted them. I had an initial call with a solicitor who put my mind and rest and gave me faith in the firm. I had two different solicitors, one who dealt with my divorce matter and one who dealt with my finances. They were both really good and kept me updated as to the progress of my matter. They also kept me informed as to costs and advised me how I could keep the costs down. The proposals which I put forward were advocated really well by my solicitor and the outcome for me was favourable as I was able to keep my house.”

L189/2, Apr 2020

“After coming to terms with the breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers for them to start divorce proceedings. They were very understanding and sympathetic to my circumstances. My divorce could be undertaken on a fixed fee basis so I knew there would be no further costs and I had certainty from the outset. The service was very reliable and the price reasonable. Now my divorce has been finalised I feel free.”

A178/1, Apr 2020

“After suffering an abusive marriage which had made me depressed and low, I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in divorce proceedings. As the divorce was straightforward most of the communication I had from them was either by letter or phone calls. The solicitor who conducted my matter was very pleasant and if I had any concerns I was always able to contact her and she would put my mind at rest. The divorce was dealt with promptly and I am relieved that I am now able to move on with my life.”

W270/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I needed some legal advice regarding spousal maintenance I had been paying as this needed to be varied and I was unsure of the legalities surrounding this. The meeting was set up efficiently and the advice was extremely helpful and accurate. This enabled me to represent myself at court and obtain a variation of the spousal maintenance order.”

S423/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers after the breakdown of my relationship as I needed advice regarding the property I owned jointly with my ex-partner. The solicitor who represented me in my matter was very knowledgeable and made me feel secure in the advice that he gave me so I felt I was in safe hands. The matter was dealt with efficiently and the house was transferred to my ex-partner whilst I was released from the mortgage enabling me to move on with my life.”

H359/2, Mar 2020

“I instructed Fullers to draw up a Change of Name Deed for my two children as they had represented us in a family matter in the past so I knew I was in safe hands. They are professional and knowledgeable and everyone I have had dealings with at the firm from the accounts staff to the solicitors have always been pleasant and polite. They are also aware that I am a teacher and can only be contacted after certain hours and have always been very accommodating when communicating with me. Fullers were extremely organised and the documents were drawn up in a timely fashion. I would always recommend them to anyone needing family legal advice.”

Google Rating  | C411/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I needed advice regarding my sons contact with his father as he was late picking him up sometimes and unreliable. I found the initial free telephone consultation extremely helpful as I was given options on what I could do and what possible outcomes I could expect. The advice I was given was very clear and concise. As a short term option, Fullers wrote an amicable and non-confrontational letter to my ex-partner setting out proposals for contact and times to adhere to. Since the letter was sent, things have been much more amicable between myself and my ex-partner and the contact is better. I am happy that Fullers helped me to promote contact for my son with his father.”

C399/1, Mar 2020

“I needed a family law firm who could help me obtain regular contact to my daughters. After an acrimonious break up, my ex-partner began restricting contact with my daughters and swapping weekends making it very difficult to maintain a routine. I found this very frustrating and upsetting. In particular, I wanted to see my daughters for longer in the summer holidays and at Christmas. The solicitor at Fullers was very supportive of my situation and explained the law to me. Arrangements were made through mediation and a Cafcass officer and, with my solicitor’s support, an agreement was put to the court which was agreed by the Judge and a court order made. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and I am very happy with the outcome as I can see my daughters regularly. Keeping a routine with a bit of flexibility is in the best interests of all concerned.”

B504/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law after my marriage had broken down. I needed solicitors to help formalise the financial agreement between myself and my husband and apply for divorce proceedings. There were also our children to consider too. Although my solicitor advised me that she would apply to the court for me to retain the family home, I decided that it would be best to sell the house to divide the finances to start a fresh life and she supported me with this decision. I was very happy with the way Fullers looked after me whilst I was a client as they were always there on the end of the phone and quick at getting back to me with emails and responses.”

H330/1, Mar 2020

“I instructed Fullers to represent me in obtaining Parental Responsibility for my daughter and to have regular contact with her. I wanted to retain the solicitor who had been working on my case who had moved to Fullers as she knew my case well and I wanted her to continue to work on my matter. My case was then transferred to two other lawyers at Fullers whilst my solicitor was on maternity leave and I was equally impressed with them. They worked very hard and I was always able to contact them. I felt they had my best interests at heart and they always returned my telephone calls and emails. They concluded the case for me and the court ordered I have Parental Responsibility together with regular access and overnight contact also. I am relieved as I am able to maintain a relationship with my daughter and I now have peace of mind because of the court order. I was very impressed with Fullers.”

J112/1, Mar 2020

“After the breakdown of my relationship, I needed advice with regard to where I stood financially as we have a young child together and were not married. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers Family Law. I found this to be very useful as she gave me advice on things I hadn’t thought about and provided me with a strategy which I found very helpful. I intend to instruct them to represent me in this matter as I have confidence in their ability to manage my case.”

M411/1, Mar 2020

“Friendly, efficient, knowledgeable and very professional. Put me at ease straight away and explained everything in a language I could understand.”

Google Rating  | L212/1, Mar 2020

“Fullers Family Law represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings following the breakdown of my marriage. I was anxious to keep the family home as I had purchased it before I was married. Fullers did an outstanding job, they were pro-active and efficient. They drew up an order which was approved by the court enabling me to remove my wife’s obligations from the mortgage and allowing me keep the house so I am happy with the outcome.”

W305/2, Mar 2020

“I needed help completing a financial form relating to my divorce proceedings as I was unsure on some of the questions. I contacted Fullers Family Law and had a meeting with a solicitor for this purpose. She was very helpful and “on the ball” as she noticed some mistakes that had been made by the solicitors who had forwarded me the document. She helped me complete the form and put me on the right track.”

Google Rating  | R200/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers Family Law with regard to a family issue surrounding my grandchildren. Fullers booked us an appointment in a timely fashion and we saw a solicitor to get some advice on the options available to us as grandparents if we were to pursue the matter. They were very efficient and advised us on the law and what our rights would be. Since that meeting, matters have now calmed down but we now feel more informed as to our options should the need arise.”

B519/1, Mar 2020

“After the unfortunate breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers Family Law to represent me in divorce and financial proceedings. They were very sympathetic towards my situation and listened to my concerns. They advised me with regard to the law and what I could expect and conducted my case in a professional manner. The matter is finalised now and the outcome has enabled me to purchase an apartment where I used to live. I am very happy as I have re-united with my friends and family and I am settling very well. I would highly recommend anyone to Fullers!”

Google Rating  | T179/1, Mar 2020

“I contacted Fullers family law as I was unhappy and frustrated with the services provided by my previous solicitor in trying to re-instate contact with my children. I contacted Fullers Family Law and instructed that my case be transferred to them. The lawyer who represented me was exceptional! She was very understanding of my situation, explained the law to me with clarity and was very professional in the way in which she conducted herself. She prepared me for all eventualities. The matter went to court and I was overjoyed as the Judge ordered that contact with my children be re-instated. I am now enjoying spending time with my children again.”

Google Rating  | G173/2, Mar 2020

“I was concerned for the welfare of my children whilst in the company of their father and needed a family law firm to give me advice. I contacted Fullers after reading reviews on their website. The solicitor who represented me was fantastic! She worked extremely hard on the background of my case and represented me at court. She also acted as a mediator between myself and my ex-husband whilst at court and was very supportive. This approach diffused any arguments that could have occurred. She also saved me money by preparing the court documents and mentoring me so I was able to represent myself at the final hearing. I was delighted with the outcome as the Judge ordered that I have full residence of my children. I am relieved the matter has concluded satisfactorily and in the best interests of all concerned.”

Google Rating  | K153/1, Feb 2020

“After my wife and I separated we needed an agreement with regard to the separation of financial assets to be drawn up by a lawyer and formalised through the courts. I contacted Fullers for this purpose. The lawyer who dealt with this matter was excellent. She was proficient and assertive and explained the terms of the agreement to me. This was subsequently approved by the courts and I now have peace of mind that my house can remain within the family so I can move on with my life.”

M368/1, Feb 2020

“I contacted Fullers with regard to the contact arrangements for my children with their mother. Fullers listened to the background of my matter and my concerns. They suggested a letter to be sent to my ex-partner taking into account my proposals and they also made suggestions which were very helpful. The letter was assertive and firm but also very sensitive to the situation. This helped tremendously and the children are now enjoying a relationship with their mother again.”

W320/1, Feb 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in divorce proceedings. My divorce was relatively straightforward and the solicitor who had conduct of this was efficient and professional. There were no problems with the divorce going through so it was simply a matter of them guiding me through the formalities and procedures which they did without over complicating things. I also instructed them to prepare a Change of Name Deed for me which was prepared promptly and efficiently. I can now move on with my life.”

W248/1, Feb 2020

“Feeling vulnerable as my husband was violent and unfaithful, I contact Fullers for them to represent me in my divorce proceedings. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter was very supportive throughout the process and always returned my calls when I needed advice. She dealt with the divorce promptly and efficiently. Now I am divorced I am relieved as I can re-build a life for myself.”

D202/1, Feb 2020

“I needed help completing a financial form relating to my divorce proceedings as I was unsure of some of the questions. I contacted Fullers Family Law and had a meeting with a solicitor for this purpose. She was very helpful and “on the ball” as she noticed some mistakes that had been made by the solicitors who had forwarded me the document. She helped me complete the form and put me on the right track.”

R200/1, Feb 2020

“I contacted Fullers family Law as I was worried about signing an agreement regarding a financial settlement arising from my divorce and wanted legal advice. I had a personal consultation with Martin and Molly both of whom put me at ease in the meeting and provided me with honest, expert advice. I felt they had my best interests at heart and I left the meeting feeling a lot calmer and now have peace of mind as to where I stand legally.”

H373/1, Feb 2020

“When my ex-partner informed me that she was going to relocate with our son, I needed advice urgently from a solicitor as uprooting him was not in his best interests. I was really worried and concerned for his emotional wellbeing so I asked Fullers Family Law to represent me. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was excellent and she explained everything to me in layman’s terms. She advised me on the law and guided me throughout the whole process. She was very professional when carrying out the background work for my case. The outcome was very successful as the courts agreed that my son could come and live with me so I couldn’t be happier not only for myself but for my son too.”

R196/1, Feb 2020

“After receiving numerous letters from my ex husband’s solicitors with regard to my son, I felt extremely vulnerable and didn’t know what to do so I contacted Fullers Family Law for some advice. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was very supportive. She was good at diffusing the situation with my husband’s solicitors as she was very calm throughout. She was on the end of the phone whenever I needed her and when the matter went to court, she accompanied me and made me feel at ease as I was very nervous. It was these things that helped the most throughout the process as she listened and supported me emotionally too. The court took my son’s wishes and feelings into account and an order was made to reflect this so I am very relieved. Now the matter is finalised I do miss her support but I know I can contact her and instruct her again should the need arise.”

Google Rating  | K132/1, Jan 2020

“Although my divorce was amicable, I needed a solicitor to draw up a document which would be recognised in law and reflected the agreement myself and my ex husband had come to with regard to the separation of the financial assets. I contacted Fullers and the lawyer who represented me was very efficient and pro-active. She drew up an Order which was approved by the court and I am very happy with the outcome as was able to retain the matrimonial home. I feel financially secure now so I can now concentrate on looking forward to the future.”

K147/1, Jan 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, matters had come to a stalemate as my wife and I were unable to come to an agreement with regard to the separation of finances. The situation became quite volatile and all communication between us had broken down so I contacted Fullers Family Law for their advice. The solicitor who represented me was very knowledgeable and he was clear and concise in his advice and guidance. He kept me up to date at each step and helped me work through the process to try and achieve the best possible outcome. Now the matter is finalised, I feel a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can get my life back on track.”

F142/1, Jan 2020

“Feeling very stressed whilst going through the turmoil of my marriage breakdown, I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in my divorce proceedings. The solicitor I was appointed was extremely efficient, she listened to what I had to say and she provided me with updates on a regular basis. I am relieved as my divorce is now finalised and I can start to re-build my life.”

D202/1, Jan 2020

“I contacted Fullers as I needed an agreement between myself and my son’s mother to be formalised with regard to contact arrangements. The Solicitor who had conduct of my matter was very engaging and listened to my proposals. She provided me with good advice and was extremely professional. The agreement was approved by the courts and I am very happy with the outcome as I have regular quality time with my son.”

Google Rating  | S427/1, Jan 2020

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I consulted Fullers Family Law for their advice and I found their service to be excellent. Their advice was comprehensive and very professional providing me with an insight into the legalities and procedures relating to divorce. I have decided to leave my divorce until my wife and I have been separated for 2 years. I will continue to use Fullers for these proceedings as I have confidence in their ability to manage my matter following my dealings with them.”

D220/1, Jan 2020

“I instructed Fullers to represent me in my divorce proceedings. My husband and I had already drawn up a separation agreement but I needed this to be enforced through the courts and for Fullers to advise me with regard to the legal implications of this. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was very prompt at responding to my emails and explained the technicalities of the financial documentation. He was polite, friendly and very good overall. The matter concluded satisfactorily and I was extremely happy with the service.”

B459/1, Jan 2020

“We required the professional assistance of a solicitor for our very unusual case. We had a Special Guardianship Order in respect of our two granddaughters and wished to move to Florida where the girls have many friends and where they will obtain special support at school. However, the USA would not allow us entry unless we adopted them so Fullers represented us in the adoption proceedings. The lawyer who dealt with our matter was tremendous. She was very attentive to our case and kept us informed at all stages. The matter went to court and we received an adoption order for both of our grandchildren. We couldn’t be happier and are so relieved. We can now move to Florida and start a new life with the girls.”

Y22/1, Dec 2019

“I had been separated for 4 years and my ex-partner would not release me from the mortgage. Feeling desperate and frustrated I contacted Fullers Family Law for their help. The solicitor who represented me was very supportive. She was also honest in terms of my expectations and I felt she had my best interests at heart. The matter went to court and an order was made for the property to be put on the market for sale. I received my share of the equity which enabled me to obtain a property for myself. I feel as though a black cloud has disappeared and I am so relieved.”

M326/3, Dec 2019

“After the breakdown of my relationship, my ex partner was denying me access to our son which was very distressing. I contacted Fullers for their advice. They were very honest and advised me as to what contact with my child I could expect. They eased the situation and talked me through everything. They also represented me in court and I received a Child Arrangements Order. I am really happy with the outcome as I am now having regular contact with my son again.”

T164/1, Dec 2019

“My case was quite unique as shortly after our marriage my wife deserted me and I had not had contact with her since. Not being able to face doing anything about this for years, my sister finally helped me take the initiative to contact Fullers. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was very understanding. He gave me clear, concise advice on what the courts required and tried his best endeavours to carry out investigative work to trace my wife. The divorce went through and I finally received the certificate confirming this which means I am now divorced. Words cannot express how relieved I am. Fullers took all of the stress out of the situation for me and I now have closure on the matter and can look forward to moving on with my life.”

B457/1, Dec 2019

“After realising that my marriage was at an end and anticipating a few problems with obtaining a divorce, I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in divorce proceedings. The solicitor who I was allocated made the matter seem very straightforward and stress free. He was excellent and I would give him 101% for his conduct of the matter as he made me feel at ease and felt he was on my side. Now my divorce is over I can relax and move on with my life.”

A190/1, Dec 2019

“After myself and my wife had separated we needed help sorting out the financial implications which arose from our separation and what might suit ours and our children’s needs. We took advantage of Fullers mediation service and had a meeting with their mediator. She was very measured and considerate to both of us and was very balanced in her advice. We had two meetings with her which resulted in an agreement being drawn up between us. I was extremely happy with the service as it took the pressure off of both of us and kept the matter amicable.”

Google Rating  | S406/1, Dec 2019

“After being in an abusive marriage and feeling vulnerable with a child, I contacted Fullers for them to arrange divorce proceedings. It was not a straightforward divorce as my husband had no fixed abode and it was difficult to trace him to serve the divorce papers. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter remained calm at all times and he was always available for me to contact. He was also very sensitive to the nature of the case which made me feel like I wasn’t being a burden. My divorce has now gone through and I feel relieved and can move on to the next chapter of my life.”

F143/1, Dec 2019

“After my wife and I had separated I needed a solicitor to help draw up the legalities of a divorce. Although things were amicable, we needed the formalities of our agreement to be recorded and sealed by the court. I instructed Fullers to represent me in this regard and the solicitor who had conduct of my matter was very professional and efficient keeping me informed of each step along the way. Matters have now concluded and I received a favourable outcome and I would like to thank Fullers for all of their help.”

L180/2, Dec 2019

“After the breakdown of my marriage I contacted Fullers to represent me in my family matter. I was more concerned for my children with the uncertainty of the contact arrangements and was worried they could be removed from the country. Fullers provided me with good quality advice and explained the legal terminology in layman’s terms for me to understand. They managed my expectations so I would have enough knowledge of the potential outcomes if the matter were to go to court. Fortunately the matter was resolved with my solicitors guidance and myself and my ex-husband agreed on a settlement. Matters have now calmed down and I am content with the knowledge that my children are happy and safe and we can now move on with our lives.”

Google Rating  | C345/3, Dec 2019

“After separating from my husband we had agreed to a financial settlement but I needed to formalise this and ensure that it was binding. I instructed Fullers to prepare the document for me. The solicitor gave me advice on what was agreed and was attentive to what I had asked for. She listened to what I wanted her to put in the agreement and respected my decision. I was happy with the outcome as my husband is now providing support payments for the upkeep of our dog and I have received a lump sum which has enabled me to be financially independent.”

Google Rating  | H341/2, Dec 2019

“It was a really bad time in my life after the breakdown of my marriage as the matter became very acrimonious. I was suffering from harassment and abuse and I didn’t know which way to turn. I contacted Fullers for a free telephone consultation and the solicitor I spoke to was very reassuring. She advised me that under the circumstances, we couldn’t just send a letter and approach the matter softly as I needed protecting. I felt she looked after me throughout the process and was really clued up on the law. She attended court for me and obtained a Non-Molestation Order which, in hindsight, was the right path to take. I now feel safe as matters have calmed down.”

I37/1, Dec 2019

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I was anxious with regard to the financial implications of a divorce and being able to have sufficient funds from the property to be able to re-house myself and my son. I instructed Fullers to represent me in my matter. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was excellent! She made a stressful situation a lot easier for me. When I did not know which way to turn, she directed me and provided me with potential outcomes of different scenarios so I could make an informed decision. I was totally ignorant of the process but my solicitor gave me confidence which made me feel in control of the situation.”

G107/2, Dec 2019

“Even though my divorce was fairly straightforward, it was a really stressful time for me. Fullers guided me through the process by providing expert advice and keeping me up to date with timeframes and deadlines. As they were so professional, I have peace of mind that my divorce was dealt with in the best possible way under the circumstances.”

C371/1, Dec 2019

“Although matters were amicable between myself and my ex wife, I needed a law firm to represent me at court and support me through any challenges that may arise along the way in order to obtain shared residence of my children. A top law firm in London recommended a solicitor at Fullers to take on my case for me. I felt very confident with my solicitor from the start as she was quick to respond to my emails and supported me through the process to deliver the results. The Judge ordered that myself and my ex wife have shared care of our children which is in the best interests of all concerned.”

Google Rating  | C386/1, Nov 2019

“After the breakdown of my marriage and feeling vulnerable with having to deal with the intolerable atmosphere at home, I contacted Fullers for their help. I was really impressed with them from the outset and after having a telephone consultation, I felt like I was in safe hands. The solicitor who I was allocated was very efficient. He wrote a letter to my ex husband which really helped as things have calmed down at home and matters seem to have resolved.”

M395/1, Nov 2019

“Having had false allegations made against me, which was upsetting and frustrating, my ex-partner was denying me access to my daughter. I contacted Fullers who suggested they write a letter to my ex partner. They listened to me and asked me what proposals for contact I would like them to put in the letter but recommended changes without dictating. This made me feel in control of the situation. As I was so impressed with Fullers, I am also considering instructing them to represent me in court.”

M380/1, Nov 2019

“After losing faith with my previous solicitors as they were not giving me any guidance and direction and also missed important deadlines, I instructed Fullers to represent me in relation to my son’s contact with his father. It was such a relief, as I felt confident in them. They were pro-active in that every letter and email from my ex partner’s solicitors was replied to quickly without delays. They managed my expectations and provided me with probable outcomes in relation to the courts decision. I was very impressed with the two lawyers who dealt with my matter as they gave me guidance and advice so I could make informed decisions as to how I wanted the case to proceed. This enabled me to feel in control of the situation. The outcome was a fair contact order. I would recommend Fullers to anyone needing a family law firm.”

K148/2, Nov 2019

“Fullers saw me through a tricky situation following the breakdown of my marriage. My main concern was keeping a roof over my children’s head and retaining my home. The lawyer who dealt with my matter was extremely efficient and robust and as a result, a clean break order was made which I am very happy with as I am able to keep my home and be financially independent.”

Google Rating  | L158/4, Nov 2019

“Fullers conducted my divorce and financial settlement for me following the breakdown of my marriage. After a difficult marriage breakdown and having to deal with the emotional journey associated with divorce, I was guided by Fullers who took the emotion out of the situation and provided logical and factual advice in terms of possible outcomes the courts could order. I was pleased with the compromise my solicitor managed to obtain for me and am relieved and happy the matter has been finalised.”

C364/2, Nov 2019

“During a very emotional and upsetting time after the breakdown of my marriage, I contacted Fullers for their advice. My divorce and financial matters were handled by a very competent lawyer who not only provided me with good advice and communication but was compassionate too. I cannot fault them as the process was professional without being too clinical.”

Google Rating  | M364/2, Nov 2019

“I was only being allowed limited time with my daughter following the breakdown of my relationship with her mother. I felt sad and frustrated as I wasn’t able to bond with her properly in the restricted time I was given so I asked Fullers to represent me in this matter. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter was very knowledgeable in the law relating to children which was very reassuring but was also a pillar of support at such an emotional time. He had my best interests at heart and was caring and empathetic. I obtained a court order that put a schedule in place for progression of contact with my daughter allowing me to build a relationship with her. I cannot thank Fullers enough.”

Google Rating  | B471/2, Nov 2019

“My husband and I were struggling to agree to the division of the finances following the breakdown of our marriage so we contacted Fullers who offer a mediation service. The service was efficient from the outset with a mutually convenient appointment being set up for us. The mediator was extremely professional and impartial and assisted us in coming to an agreement with regards to the division of assets. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve this without her help.”

M376/1, Nov 2019

“Anxious and worried, I instructed Fullers to represent me in my family matter as my ex-partner was trying to gain custody of one of my sons and I was concerned that my two boys would be separated. The solicitor who dealt with my matter was always available to speak and called me back whenever I left message. When there was an issue regarding court representation, she managed to obtain a replacement Barrister promptly. I was very happy and relieved with the judgement that my son remains residing with me whilst having regular contact with his father which is in the best interest of all parties involved.”

B468/2, Oct 2019

“Feeling desperate as I was being denied access to my daughter, I contacted Fullers for their help. The solicitor I was allocated was honest in the advice she gave me and put me at ease. I found her to be very competent with regards to the law and she put forward a good case for court. The outcome was that the Judge ordered access to my daughter be reinstated and I am now enjoying spending time with her again.”

Google Rating  | H339/1, Oct 2019

“I needed legal advice as to where I stood regarding a cohabitation dispute arising from the breakdown of my relationship. I was allocated a senior solicitor of the firm who had a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding these matters. They advised me on my options and the possible outcomes. Seeking Fullers advice has enabled me to make a better and more informed decision as to the outcome I would like to achieve.”

Google Rating  | W310/1, Oct 2019

“After a very difficult decision and coming to terms with the breakdown of my marriage, I instructed Fullers to represent me in divorce proceedings. The solicitor who dealt with my divorce was exceptional; my questions were always answered and she also supported me when I was upset. I felt she gave me an excellent, efficient service and was very professional but was caring throughout.”

Google Rating  | W268/1, Oct 2019

“Having no knowledge of the law and attending court unrepresented to try and resolve financial issues within a divorce settlement, I found myself in an exceptionally difficult situation. I realised I needed legal representation and contacted Fullers. I cannot praise this firm enough! They took all of the pressure away from me as I just wanted the matter to be over. They dealt with my case a lot swifter and made it so much easier than I could have possibly imagined. I have got my freedom and my life is back on track. I cannot recommend this firm enough, it’s the best!”

W187/2, Oct 2019

“After being separated from my husband for more than 5 years, I was no further forward to getting divorced or resolving financial matters which was frustrating. I contacted Fullers Family Law and the solicitor I was allocated was very proactive. She listened to me, relayed everything back so I was clear on my instructions and advised me as to where I stood legally as well as suggesting the best way forward. She was excellent! The matter went to court and I received a fair order so I can now move on with my life.”

Google Rating  | T151/2, Oct 2019

“Communication between myself and my ex partner had broken down which resulted in her denying me access to my son. I contacted Fullers Family Law for them to help me. The solicitor who represented me was extremely proficient in her knowledge of children law and as a result I obtained a court order regaining access to my son again. I cannot thank Fullers enough and I would definitely recommend them to anyone finding themselves in the same situation.”

S302/2, Oct 2019

“Fullers were recommended to me by a friend. I consulted them as I was feeling frustrated due to the delay in my financial proceedings and needed to know what I could do to progress matters. I had a detailed consultation with a solicitor who gave me advice on what actions she would take next if I were to instruct her. My phone calls and emails were all answered within 24 hours and the level of customer service was excellent as Fullers were very proactive. Matters have now resolved themselves so I didn’t need to pursue the matter further, however, I would have no hesitation in recommending Fullers to others needing legal representation.”

Google Rating  | B490/1, Oct 2019

“The situation at home was becoming increasingly difficult as my husband and I were living in the same house, but communication had broken down between us and we were leading separate lives. I was worried about the family home as I wanted this to eventually be passed on to my children. Fullers dealt with my divorce for me and negotiated a financial settlement. I was extremely happy with the outcome as the family home was transferred to me pending my divorce so I am relieved my children will be financially secure.”

Google Rating  | R169/3, Oct 2019

“After being separated from my husband for some time and feeling frustrated that matters were taking a long time to resolve, I instructed Fullers to represent me in my divorce and financial proceedings. They got things moving very quickly and kept me informed of developments at each stage. They explained the process to me and the communication throughout was excellent. My divorce is now concluded and my husband and Fullers negotiated a clean financial break order with no further claims against each other so we can now move on with our lives independently.”

L175/2, Sep 2019

“Having some concerns regarding the financial settlement arising from my divorce, I contacted Fullers who offer a free initial telephone consultation. The lawyer I spoke to was personable and natural and I didn’t feel rushed. She listened to my fears and addressed my concerns making me feel reassured. I have now instructed Fullers to legally represent me as I am confident they will put my best interests first and deal with my matter in a non-contentious way so as to keep matters amicable.”

B508/1, Sep 2019

“Having recently used this company, I would be happy to highly recommend them to anyone. They were straightforward and helpful. Easy to contact. Replied to my requests very promptly and very professional.”

Google Rating  | H325/1, Sep 2019

“I needed legal advice regarding a family issue involving children. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers Family Law. I found her to be very helpful and understanding. She listened to my concerns first then advised me on the law and what steps I could take and how to deal with things moving forward if I should encounter any further problems. I would have no hesitation in instructing Fullers to represent me as I found them to be well organised and the initial meeting with them gave me confidence that they would manage my matter efficiently and professionally.”

Google Rating  | J127/1, Sep 2019

“I wanted to share the contact with my daughter equally between her mother and myself so I turned to Fullers for their advice. They advised me on my rights as a father and wrote a letter to my ex partner with the proposals I had suggested. I am intending to instruct them further with regard to this matter as they were efficient and helpful but also listened to what outcome I wanted to achieve.”

H354/1, Sep 2019

“Although my wife and I had been separated for a long time and both agreed to there being a divorce, I needed this to be formalised so I instructed Fullers to carry out my divorce for me. The lawyer who dealt with my matter was exceptional. The level of communication throughout the process was excellent as she kept me informed of developments all the way through which made the whole process less stressful for me.”

H309/1, Sep 2019

“I needed financial guidance following a separation from my husband as I was unsure of the legal implications. I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers who was excellent. She advised me of my rights and pointed me in the right direction which has equipped me to make a more informed decision for when I pursue the matter further. I found Fullers to be extremely professional and would definitely recommend them.”

D210/1, Sep 2019

“Following the breakdown of my marriage and feeling uncertain as to the financial implications of a divorce, I contacted Fullers to obtain some advice. I found them to be very professional and knowledgeable and was therefore happy for them to represent my case for me. The solicitors were supportive throughout and kept me informed at all stages. Although it was a very long process which involved court proceedings, the matter concluded satisfactorily.”

B389/1, Sep 2019

“Fullers were always open and honest whilst I was a client of theirs. They gave me a good strategy and advice which has come to fruition and has worked. Even when I wanted to put my own proposals forward without taking some of their advice, they listened to me but put measures into place to mitigate any risks that may arise. Where there were potential litigation problems, Fullers made the law work for me and I received the financial outcome I wanted.”

S341/4, Sep 2019

“I contacted Fullers after the breakdown of my marriage asking them to deal with my divorce for me. Having to make such an emotional decision was hard and Fullers supported me throughout this. They ensured the divorce procedure ran smoothly and was easy and straightforward for me to understand. I would recommend them to anyone needing a good family lawyer.”

H328/2, Sep 2019

“Following the breakdown of my relationship, I wanted to ensure that I saw my sons regularly and particularly to be able to take them on holiday. Although I was able to see them, I felt there were limitations placed on me with regard to contact. I instructed Fullers Family Law to represent me in this matter. They were professional and knowledgeable and informed me of my rights as a father. They wrote a letter to my ex partner and things have become much more amicable. I am now enjoying regular contact with my sons.”

S395/1, Sep 2019

“After deciding that my marriage was at an end and feeling powerless and betrayed, I contacted Fullers for their legal support. They helped me take control of the situation and issued a petition for divorce. They also represented me in the financial side of the divorce. They made the process appear easy which relieved the pressure from me. I now feel relieved that matters have been finalised and in a better position to take control of my life.”

S327/3, Sep 2019

“During a very stressful time after the breakdown of my marriage I turned to Fullers for their advice and representation. Whilst they were there predominately to guide me through the legal process, I felt they supported me emotionally too. They kept me informed at all times right up to the conclusion of my matter. Relieved the matter has been finalised, I can now move on with my life.”

P194/1, Sep 2019

“Following the separation from my wife, I was uncertain as to where I would legally stand with regard to my children and the financial implications of a divorce. I met with a solicitor at Fullers who gave me constructive advice but was also very empathetic. I now feel more empowered to make an informed decision as and when I decide to proceed.”

M381/1, Sep 2019

“Having been separated from my husband for some time and feeling frustrated that matters were taking a long time to resolve, I instructed Fullers to represent me in my divorce and financial proceedings. They got things moving very quickly and kept me informed of developments at each stages. They explained the process to me and the communication throughout was excellent. My divorce is now concluded and Fullers negotiated a clean financial break order with no further claims against each other so we can now move on with our lives independently.”

L175/2, Sep 2019

“Having some concerns regarding the financial settlement arising from my divorce, I contacted Fullers who offer a free initial telephone consultation. The lawyer I spoke to was personable and natural and I didn’t feel rushed. She listened to my fears and addressed my concerns making me feel reassured. I have now instructed Fullers to legally represent me as I am confident they will put my best interests first by dealing with my matter in a non-contentious way so as to keep matters amicable.”

B508/1, Sep 2019

“I contacted Fullers following the breakdown of my marriage as I needed urgent advice. I had no option but to leave the family home and needed advice on where I stood legally with regard to my financial entitlement. The solicitor I was allocated was extremely personable and she made me feel at ease. Although the matter is still ongoing, I am now in a better position knowing where I stand legally and what outcome I wish to achieve after obtaining Fullers advice.”

T154/1, Sep 2019

“I needed legal advice regarding a family issue involving children so I had a meeting with a solicitor at Fullers Family Law. I found her to be very helpful and understanding. She listened to my concerns first, then advised me on the law and what steps I could take. She also explained how to deal with things moving forward if I should encounter any further problems. I would have no hesitation in instructing Fullers to represent me as I found them to be well organised and the initial meeting with them gave me confidence that they would manage my matter efficiently and professionally.”

J127/1, Sep 2019

“I was concerned about the financial implications of my divorce and in particular, I wanted to retain the family home. The solicitor who dealt with my matter explained everything clearly to me throughout the process. I was very confident with his representation of my case in court and the matter was resolved to my satisfaction and I was able to keep my home.”

Google Rating  | M327/3, Aug 2019

“I was concerned about the implications of my relationship and contact to my children following the breakdown of my marriage. I met with a solicitor at Fullers Family Law. The meeting was conducted professionally and was well handled and informative. I now have peace of mind and am in a better position to take the next step. Meeting with them gave me confidence that my matter will be in good hands and am therefore instructing them in my divorce proceedings.”

Google Rating  | B484/1, Aug 2019

“I had grave concerns regarding my son’s safety and wellbeing in the area that he was living with his mother and the circumstances surrounding the matter so I contacted Fullers. They listened to my concerns and acted swiftly. The matter was resolved without the need to go to court and my son now resides with me and has regular contact with his mother. We are all very happy with the outcome.”

Google Rating  | B493/1, Jul 2019

“I needed some legal advice regarding a family issue and Fullers offered a free initial telephone consultation which I took advantage of. It certainly gave me some real insight and a lot to think about. I shall not being going elsewhere should I choose to pursue going down the legal route with this problem. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your practice’s way of doing things with the initial free telephone consultation. I believe the free initial chat makes your practice much more attractive than others, as you’ve actually listened to my problem ahead of asking for my money.”

Google Rating  | Hitchin, Jul 2019

“Fullers represented me in my divorce and financial proceedings. I would recommend them to anyone needing legal assistance as they were always to hand to answer any questions and deal with any problems arising which made the matter straightforward and free from stress.”

P198/2, Jul 2019

“After a very long marriage, I found myself in turmoil when my relationship with my wife broke down. I was concerned about the financial implications and instructed Fullers to represent me in this regard. The Solicitor I was allocated was very professional. She listened to my concerns and had a very kind manner about her. I was very happy with the outcome as I was ordered a clean break and was able to keep my pension. I have now consulted Fullers again on a separate issue.”

M153/2, Jul 2019

“After being separated from my wife for many years, I instructed Fullers Family Law to issue divorce proceedings. I didn’t want the stress of completing the paperwork myself as I was unsure of the procedures so Fullers took the weight off of my shoulders by preparing the divorce petition for me and taking all steps to dissolve my marriage. The matter was dealt with professionally and efficiently and I would thoroughly recommend them for anyone needing help when going through a divorce.”

Bedford, Jun 2019

“I turned to Fullers Family Law for their advice and guidance with regard to the trouble I was having with regard to contact arrangements between my son and his father. I was contacted in a timely fashion by their general office that made me an appointment. The solicitor gave me fair and professional advice and they also wrote a letter to my son’s father alleviating the pressure from me and thus avoiding confrontation. The whole experience made my matter less stressful and I am intending to instruct Fullers for their continued support.”

Bedford, Jun 2019

“I instructed Fullers Family Law to represent me in my divorce proceedings and the financial proceedings that arose from the breakdown of my marriage. Their service was very personable as I was kept up to date regularly and was called back or emailed within 24 hours of my enquiries. I felt they valued me as a client so and I received the outcome I wanted. I would definitely recommend Fullers to anyone seeking divorce representation.”

Sandy, Jun 2019

“I felt confident in Fullers ability to manage my case because of their extensive knowledge of the law surrounding Children. They were very proactive from the outset of my matter and, as a result, I gained a court order I was happy with and which was in the best interests of my daughter.”

Northampton, Jun 2019

“My life was in turmoil after allegations were made against me and I was denied contact with my son. I didn’t know who to turn to. I contacted Fullers and the solicitor who represented me supported me through this very stressful period. She was patient and professional which gave me confidence in her ability to help me and was also a very calming influence for me during this time. Her hard work has enabled me to gain regular contact with my son. I cannot express my thanks enough for what Fullers has done for me and my family as we are now able to share and enjoy quality time together.”

Northampton, Jun 2019

“Although my divorce was fairly amicable and straightforward, I needed a solicitor to help me through the legal process. I instructed Fullers and I found them to be very efficient. They were helpful and friendly, kept me informed at all stages and followed up matters quickly. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing family law representation.”

St Albans, May 2019

“My son came to stay with me following safeguarding concerns and I wanted to ensure that he remained living with me in the best interests of his wellbeing. I instructed Fullers Family Law to represent me. Fullers resolved the matter for me without a need to go to court and an agreement was made with my son’s mother for him to remain living with me, to attend the local school and to have regular contact with his mother. I want to thank Fullers for all their efforts in this matter.”

Milton Keynes, May 2019

“After the breakdown of my marriage, I felt pressured into committing to a financial agreement on which I had not taken legal advice so I contacted Fullers. They alleviated the pressure and took control of my case. The lawyer who dealt with my matter was outstanding and I felt she had my best interests at heart. A financial order was agreed with the assets being divided to enable both myself and my ex wife to move on with our lives.”

Kettering, May 2019

“Following the breakdown of my marriage and not knowing where I stood legally with regard to the financial implications, I sought the advice of Fullers Family Law. They were friendly and efficient and alleviated any uncertainty I had. They kept me informed throughout the process and brought my matter to a satisfactory conclusion so I am now able to move on with my life.”

L164/2, May 2019

“As there were some safeguarding issues surrounding my children whilst not in my care and I was concerned for their wellbeing, I contacted Fullers who took my case on and represented me at court. I was more than happy with the outcome of my case as the Judge ordered that my children could reside with me the majority of the time. I want to thank Fullers for their professional conduct and efficiency in this matter as I now have peace of mind for my children.”

H332/1, Apr 2019

“Although financial matters were amicable and agreed between myself and my former husband, I needed a Solicitor to set out our agreement in a formal document. I instructed Fullers for this purpose. They explained any legal terminology to me and any queries I had were dealt with in a timely manner. Consequently, the document was approved by the court so matters were concluded to my satisfaction.”

O78/1, Apr 2019

“Myself and my husband had come to a stalemate with trying to sort out the division of finances and child arrangements after the breakdown of our marriage. I didn’t want the matter to go to court because of the cost implications and emotional stress. We decided to try mediation and I contacted Fullers to set up a meeting. We had a co-mediation meeting with both a male and female mediator present. The Mediators were very experienced and their neutral intervention and proposals assisted us in coming to a mutually agreed resolution without the need to go to court.”

W278/1, Apr 2019

“I was issued with divorce papers by my wife but didn’t understand the legal content so was unsure what I was signing. I contacted Fullers Family Law and had a meeting with one of their solicitors who explained the legal terminology of the documents to me and the divorce procedure. She made me feel at ease and helped me complete the paperwork which was very reassuring. I now intend to instruct Fullers in my divorce matter as I found them to be very professional.”

M373/1, Apr 2019

“After my relationship had broken down, my ex partner was trying to claim an interest in the property I owned. I instructed Fullers to write a letter to her and they were superb. They took on board the facts of my case and they were honest with their advice. I felt they supported me 100% and had my best interests at heart. I have since recommended them to other people needing family law advice.”

C369/1, Apr 2019

“My mother-in-law had been divorced for some time and she had been too unwell to cope with the selling of the matrimonial property so matters had become stagnant. With our assistance, she instructed Fullers to settle the financial affairs so that a clean break could be sought between her and her ex husband. The solicitor who dealt with her matter kept us informed at all stages and she was very efficient. A Consent Order was approved by the court and the property was sold, the proceeds of which can now be utilised for the care of my mother-in-law so she can move on with her life.”

C319/1, Apr 2019

“After the breakdown of my relationship with my ex partner, I was not seeing my daughter as much as I would have liked and was concerned that a strong bond would not form between us in the limited time I had with her. I contacted Fullers who listened to my concerns and wrote a letter to my ex partner setting out proposals for my daughter to have longer contact time with me fitting around my work shifts. I am now awaiting a court hearing for these proposals to be considered and would not hesitate in instructing Fullers to assist me further as I found them to give professional advice to resolve the matter in an effective and non confrontational manner.”

B471/2, Apr 2019

“Fullers Family Law represented me in obtaining a court order to allow me to have regular contact with my daughter. The solicitor who had conduct of my matter was  efficient and pro-active and was instrumental in obtaining the outcome I set out to achieve so I can now have quality time with my daughter.”

M344/1, Mar 2019

“I was concerned for the safe and welfare of my children whilst in the care of their mother so I contacted Fullers Family Law for their help. With their knowledge of the law, they helped me make decisions on what applications I could make to protect my children. Fullers represented me at court and the Judge ordered that the children live with me and the safeguarding issues are now being investigated so I am very relieved with the outcome. I would definitely recommend Fullers for anyone wanting representation regarding matters involving children.”

H321/1, Mar 2019

“My ex partner was trying to change the contact arrangements between me and my son. I contacted Fullers who wrote a letter to my ex partner setting out clear and concise proposals to reinstate the contact arrangements that were originally in place and with which my son was happy. Since the letter was sent, I am now enjoying regular contact with my son again. Without the assistance of Fullers, this would have been unachievable so I am very grateful for their help.”

P228/1, Mar 2019

“I contacted Fullers for them to represent me in financial matters relating to the former family home. My wife and I had been separated for many years and I wished to transfer the house to my wife for the benefit of her and my son and be released from the mortgage. Fullers wrote a letter to my ex wife setting out a proposal of a financial settlement. The solicitor who represented me was extremely efficient. The communication from Fullers was excellent and they kept me updated regularly. I was extremely happy with the outcome as I am due to receive my interest in the family home which will enable me to purchase a property for myself.”

D192/1, Mar 2019

“Following the breakdown of my marriage, I had a meeting with Fullers to obtain their advice regarding separation and the implications this would have regarding my business. Fullers were extremely accommodating providing me with information on time and gave me sound, reassuring advice. Their advice enabled me to make an informed decision to resolve the matter in the most cost effective way.”

O74/2, Mar 2019

“During the breakdown of my marriage, I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to support myself and my children financially so I contacted Fullers for their advice. I had a meeting with them to discuss the implications of a divorce and where I would stand legally with regard to finances. The solicitor I spoke to was very reassuring and explained the law to me in terms of my circumstances. I now feel I am equipped to make a more informed decision as to how I want to pursue matters.”

G180/1, Feb 2019

“I contacted Fullers for some legal advice as my wife had issued divorce proceedings. The lawyer I met with talked me through the procedures and explained the terminology in the documents so I was reassured before signing anything. They were professional and friendly and I would have no hesitation in contacting them again if I needed representation.”

P217/1, Jan 2019

“After the breakdown of my marriage and for fear of not being able to see my children, Fullers were my safety net throughout this process. They provided honest and frank advice but were also supportive and empathetic. They sought the best outcome for me in terms of obtaining an order whereby I could have regular contact with my children and also sorted out my financial affairs. I can now move on with my life with peace of mind.”

C285/2 & 4, Jan 2019

“I sought the services of Fullers as I needed the professional legal assistance to help me oppose an application that was brought to court in respect of my children. The Laywer who represented me was honest in terms of whether my expectations were unrealistic or not and gave constructive advice on how I could achieve a positive outcome for myself and my children, which I did.”

C300/3, Jan 2019

“I was trapped in an abusive marriage and I was uncertain as to how I would cope financially and emotionally if I were to enter into a divorce. Feeling vulnerable, I contacted Fullers for their advice. They offered me a Conflict Management meeting which I found extremely helpful. The Director gave me practical advice in terms of emotional pointers and legal advice in terms of time scales, the settlement I could expect and the legal recourses for resolving my financial situation if I was to petition for a divorce. I found this advice invaluable and I am now emotionally prepared for any decision I decide to make in the future to resolve my situation.”

B472/1, Jan 2019

“I was very happy with the way Fullers dealt with my divorce and financial matters. Their letters were easy to follow and the legal terminology was explained in layman’s terms so I could understand matters clearly and didn’t feel misled. The outcome I received was as Fullers had predicted so I was prepared and happy with the settlement.”

F121/1&2, Dec 2018

“I needed advice on how to deal with the unhappy situation I found myself in after the break up of my relationship. Fullers offered a Conflict Management meeting which I found extremely helpful. I was given coping mechanisms and ways in which I could diffuse a very acrimonious situation. I was also given an insight into what the next steps would be and how the matter would proceed. I was very happy with their approach and, as such, Fullers are now representing me in family matters.”

R168/1, Aug 2018

“The lawyer that dealt with my divorce at Fullers did so in a professional manner showing her expertise and giving guidance throughout. I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone going through a divorce.”

F129/1, Jul 2018

“I needed clarification regarding my divorce papers as they were issued in the USA. Fullers were very helpful in interpreting the terminology and wording of the documents which gave me reassurance as to what I was signing. I would definitely recommend them as they were friendly and helpful.”

R164/1, Jun 2018

“Stacey-Anne, I would like to thank you for the excellent outcome you achieved for me in all matters and will not hesitate to recommend you to my colleagues and friends should they have to face the same issues. I feel a massive weight has been lifted and sleep a lot better these days. Your professionalism and knowledge of the law in this area is fantastic and I wish you well in your future career.”

L135/2, Apr 2018

“Martin provided me with a lot of information within the 2 hour session that I am going to try and apply to my situation. The session helped put me in the right frame of mind and I just need to work out how to tackle the position that I am in. The meeting provided me with useful information that I will be using and I feel as though it has put me in a good place. I will definitely not be asking for my money back and found the meeting worthwhile. I will be in touch with Fullers to assist me further if it becomes necessary.”

S341/1, Nov 2017

“The family matter I had to deal with involved domestic abuse and was a very stressful and traumatic process. Stacey and Martin from Fullers not only supported me through the legal process but also through the psychological effects of this process. They were kind, supportive and professional. I would recommend to anyone to use their services.”

D147/3, Nov 2017

“I was recommended Fullers Family Law by a friend. I needed legal advice and help through a divorce.

I paid a fixed fee and I have to say that I was very satisfied with the service I received. I received very regular updates on the progress of my case. Any calls I made to the company were always dealt with in a very friendly but professional manner. My allocated solicitor always made me feel at ease and regularly updated me. I would recommend Fullers Family Law to anyone requiring a solicitor for any family issues. I would just like to take this opportunity to say 'thank you' to Fullers.”

B373/1, Apr 2017

“I really enjoyed my negotiation skills session with Martin Fuller. It was worth the time and money and I feel more positive about the situation. I found the session very useful.”

G155/1, Mar 2017

“Every time I ask a question Tara provides a clear and concise answer. She goes above and beyond and tells me exactly what I need to know there and then. I’ve finally received the service I expected after being disappointed with my previous solicitors. Tara has been extremely helpful, I couldn’t be happier. It has been a stressful time for me but Tara’s caring nature has helped. I feel in capable hands.”

T103, Feb 2017

“My conflict management meeting with Martin Fuller was definitely worth the time and money. Martin was very good and helpful and put me at ease. I have done a complete turn around since my meeting with Martin and am ready to move forward with my life.”

W221/1, Feb 2017

“Me and my husband attended a coaching session delivered by Martin Fuller. Before the coaching session I felt powerless like I had no control over the situation that I was in with my ex partner. I had no say in when I would be able to have contact with my daughter or any arrangements with her. Martin coached both me and my husband in how the brain works and how to avoid conflict and how to word messages to be able to gain control over the situation again. Since this session I have felt more empowered to take control over the situation. More confident to speak up to my ex partner and put across in a clear and direct way what it is that I wanted whilst avoiding conflict. My husband feels more able to support me in the conversations between me and my ex partner and feels more confident in helping deal with the situation.”

H287/1, Jan 2017

“I’m very happy with Stacey’s representation at court. I went in with nothing and came out with more contact with my girls so I’m over the moon. With Stacey’s guidance I got the result I wanted. I’m very grateful for Stacey’s attendance and for what she has done. She’s been absolutely brilliant, I couldn’t have done it without her.”

C285/2, Dec 2016

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank Stacey-Anne for all of your expert advice and guidance during this difficult time you have been professional and informative all of the way through and have made the whole process easier for me. Any recommendations I can give for you to promote how well you have handled my case please let me know how best to do this.”

B359/2, Nov 2016

“My solicitor has been absolutely brilliant. She’s very good at her job and always went above and beyond for me. I had 3 solicitors during my time at Fullers. She was very good at court and I am pleased with how she represented me and the outcome I got.”

P122/2, Nov 2016

“Since my conflict management meeting with Martin I have become more confident about which direction I am heading. Martin is a very good speaker and I am extremely grateful for his help. I hope things will become clearer after my next session but trust Martin to guide me.”

C285/3, Oct 2016

“I found my conflict management meeting with Martin very useful. He has helped me to see things from a different viewpoint. It will be interesting to see how I will put his advice into practice. I would rate the meeting 8 or 9/10.”

S163/2, Oct 2016

“Mr Fuller’s slightly unorthodox approach was a breath of fresh air. I came away from the meeting feeling enlightened and empowered and with a 3rd view point. The meeting was not what I expected but was definitely value for money. It was extremely helpful and I came away with a lot of food for thought. Martin was a genuinely decent guy and I would not hesitate in going back to Fullers should I find myself in that situation. On the whole I would rate the meeting 9.5/10 and would recommend to anyone.”

T138/1, Sep 2016

“I wasn’t sure what to expect in my conflict management meeting with Mr Fuller. I found it extremely positive and useful, it’s given me a good grasp of where to go next. He was a nice guy to talk to and I have come out of the meeting feeling much more positive.”

M291/1, Sep 2016

“My initial consultation with Mr Fuller was a positive experience. He listened to my concerns and advised me based on a wealth of experience. I feel as though he had a genuine understanding of my situation and advised me to come back when things had settled down. I would recommend him to anyone in the same position.”

Milton Keynes, Aug 2016

“I would like to write two testimonials regarding Fullers. Firstly for the weekend contact advice: So reassuring knowing that a weekend service is available. Such prompt response and fantastic advice at awkward times. I've used Fullers before, and would recommend them to everyone. Secondly about Stacey-Anne Bishop: Stacey has been fantastic, very reassuring and friendly and got results very very quickly. I can't thank her enough.”

B375/1, Aug 2016

“Martin gave me really great and comforting advice. He advised me to come back when I am in a better mind-set which was really refreshing as it didn’t make me feel as though he was after my money. I know that Martin will be there when I do need legal help and I am really grateful to have been able to speak to him.”

Free consultation, Jun 2016

“I’m so glad I attended the conflict management meeting with Martin Fuller. He helped me look at the situation from a different approach and made me realise it’s important to put forward what I wanted. The session has helped me to negotiate better with my husband and I feel a lot more calmer about the legal proceedings and moving forwards. I don’t only feel as though I received legal support from Martin but emotional support as well. I would definitely recommend the conflict management meeting to anyone in the same position as myself.”

C219/1, Jun 2016

“After having been stuck in a very tricky situation for around 6 years, 2 solicitors from different Northampton based law practices had basically told me that as a non resident father I had little or no rights and I was caught between a rock and a hard place. After meeting with you in our first "Conflict resolution" it was clear you have dealt with people in my situation before. I left that meeting with a positive feeling of confidence and hope that I could communicate with my ex girlfriend in a manner that would make the situation fairer for me. After putting into practice the advice you gave me I was surprised at how much control I had over the situation and how my actions really eased tensions between us. A couple of months down the line now and I am very happy with the outcome, I just wish I had met with you years ago! I'm sure I will require your services in the future and I would not hesitate to recommend you to a friend.”

E43/1, May 2016

“We both got something out of the conflict management meeting with Martin and are now putting into practice what he advised. We really enjoyed the session and hope it will improve our situation. We will be going back to Martin if we need any more advice.”

S295/1, May 2016

“We were both greatly impressed by your rapid grasp of the situation and lovely way you dealt with the E-form review and answers to our questions. Also the courteous, friendly and helpful way we were treated from the moment we first made contact with your practice. A real pleasure to meet you. I shall see solicitors in a different light from hereon – such a refreshing change from my previous experiences of them. Many thanks once again.”

Free Consultation, May 2016

“I had a free consultation with Martin Fuller and would definitely recommend him to anyone seeking legal advice. I previously spoke with a solicitor from a different firm who was not helpful at all, however, Martin was understanding, straight to the point and gave me the advice I needed which I found extremely helpful. His approach was not forceful and I did not feel as though he was just trying to make money. I will definitely be going back to Fullers when I need the help of a solicitor.”

Free Consultation, May 2016

“I had a free consultation with Martin today and he was absolutely fantastic. He gave me all the information I needed to know to help me move forward in a positive direction. As soon as I feel I need the involvement of a solicitor I will 100% be back in contact with Fullers.”

Free Consultation, May 2016

“I couldn’t fault the service I received from my solicitor, she was impeccable. She was very on the ball at responding and put mechanisms in place for me to be able to speak with an alternative solicitor on the days that she didn’t work. She was very understanding of my situation and I feel that with her help I obtained the outcome that I had hoped for.”

M228/2, May 2016

“Martin was very to the point and told me exactly what I needed to know. He was very pleasant to talk to and filled me with confidence about how to progress my situation.”

Free consultation, Apr 2016

“Martin suggested an unorthodox approach that has really helped my situation. He had full understanding of my situation and gave great advice. The communication was very prompt and I am very satisfied with the overall service.”

B227/1, Apr 2016

“I found Martin (Fuller's Family Law service ) Fuller's initial consultation very helpful. He had a reassuring approach which gave me confidence that he had the knowledge and experience to help resolve my situation. He quickly understood my circumstances and was able to give appropriate advice and options that helped me to clarify my own thinking around my circumstances. I now believe I have options about the separation I am currently going through. If I continue to have difficulties between me and my partner I will be instructing Fuller's Family Law to assist with the negotiations.”

Free consultation, Apr 2016

“I am extremely satisfied with the overall service I received from my solicitor. He went above and beyond what he needed to and devoted a lot of time to me. He was very understanding and patient and took extra time to understand my situation. He has provided me with after care service which I was not expecting and I would definitely recommend him and the firm to anyone who was going through the same situation.”

L99/1, Apr 2016

“I could not be happier with the assistance of my solicitor, she is an incredible person as well as Solicitor. I find her outstanding in her updates and communication. She makes me feel relaxed as she has a pleasant aura. She is an asset to the firm and I would without a doubt recommend Fullers Family Law. No matter the outcome, I am happy that she has done everything she can.”

A126/1, Mar 2016

“Martin was very knowledgeable, helpful and answered all of my questions in depth. I did not feel as though he was rushing me or that we were on a time scale. Martin provided me with very sound and logical advice and I feel confident in instructing Fullers to take on my financial matter.”

Free Consultation, Mar 2016

“Following recent Court Proceedings which was a very stressful and emotional period, Stacey-Anne Bishop remained honest, open and understanding and offered me sound advice throughout and provided sound recommendations. Stacey explained fully what was happening as I had never set foot in a Court room before and ensured I was prepared for what to expect in terms of approach and environment. Stacey kept me fully and promptly informed and updated at each stage of my case by telephone and email. Asia Razaq represented me during the final court proceedings and both Stacey and Asia were extremely knowledgeable in their field, both were professional and approachable throughout. Asia was very supportive as I was very nervous and coached me through the final process and put me at ease. I was kept fully informed of costs and it helped me during this stressful process to have a set cost prior to hearings to enable me to budget. I would like to thank both Stacey and Asia for their support and assistance throughout a difficult time and wish them every success in any future endeavours. I would have no hesitation in recommending their services to others.”

L115/1, Feb 2016

“I have found my solicitor very easy to speak to over the phone and extremely helpful, knowledgeable and understanding. I can't find fault with the service received, He is the whole package. I have always been kept updated with developments extremely quickly and would have no hesitation in recommending Fullers Family Law.”

S279/2, Feb 2016

“Expecting a very formal meeting with Mr Fuller, could not have been further from the truth, we were met by Mr Fuller and his assistant and immediately felt at ease. We spent over an hour discussing the problems and the fears that my son had regarding his marriage break up, mainly concerning the children. Emotionally my son was not coping very well. Not only did Mr Fuller advise him on the legal issues but gave excellent advice on how to deal with certain situations that he found very difficult to cope with emotionally. Mr Fuller is not only a solicitor but a very friendly, understanding man; we were very impressed with the meeting we had with them. His advice was invaluable and made my son feel so much better about the situation. We would 100% if needed, seek his advice again we cannot praise them enough.”

Free Consultation, Jan 2016

“We were much encouraged by Martin's training session. He was quick to get to grips with the difficulties we are facing, and the strong emotions involved. By using real-life examples from his own personal experience he was able to get us to see that there were potential strategies that could be employed to make things better, in fact he gave hope where there was little before. The strategies proved useful straight away, not complicated but requiring practise, and are already making a difference. Definitely worth the investment. Thank you Martin”

E66/1, Jan 2016

“Fullers Family Law Solicitors holds the Lexcel accreditation, which is the Law Society's legal practice quality mark for excellence in legal practice management and excellence in client care. In the assessor’s opinion the firm’s achievements are down to having a robust system of checks and balances in place that ensure regulatory compliance but also to the skill and excellence of the team of specialist family lawyers who recognise just how difficult and traumatic family breakdowns can be. The firm has built an enviable reputation achieving results and, from the feedback seen on site, just as important is the way that they achieve those results, with great attention to detail and customer service along the way. I congratulate Fullers Family Law for their unreserved commitment to quality and compliance and for being a real jewel in the Lexcel crown.”

Lexcel Assessor, Nov 2015

“I spoke with Martin briefly regarding my matter. Martin suggested I attend a 2 hour planning and strategy meeting as I was so unclear regarding my options and the implications to my children and I regarding divorce. I deliberated, purely due to the cost. In hindsight, having attended the Planning and Strategy meeting, my only regret is not having done it sooner. I went into the meeting feeling very insecure, intimidated and manipulated – the meeting was a little emotional, talking through the reality of a situation which feels like a movie, only it’s your life, is quite unsettling. I left the meeting feeling prepared to deal with the situation, having a clear vision on what was required of me and what my options where and also some very useful tools to assist me in the ‘along the way’ journey.”

C244/1, Nov 2015

“At this stage in the proceedings, I cannot thank Martin and his team at Fullers enough.

Thank you for all your advice and patience during the divorce and pension order. If I need you in future (hopefully not) I will use your company again.”

S173/3, Nov 2015

“To Fullers Family Law. Thank you so much for your help with my children matter. Very happy with your best advice and service you gave me for the last 12 months with a happy ending. Many thanks.”

O39/1, Nov 2015

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Our expertise & accreditations

Our highly qualified lawyers are members of Resolution, working to their code of practice, encouraging sensitive and cost-effective solutions that consider the needs of the whole family, including the interest of any children.

resolution - first for family law
resolution - collaborative family lawyer
resolution - mediator
Cyber Essentials - Certified
The Law Society accredited - Family Law
Lexcel Accredited
Investors in People

We have offices in Bedford, Milton Keynes and are currently looking to relocate our office in Northampton. We also have offices in Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Norfolk and London.